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OSH 4308 Unit8 Final Project Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

I have attached Papers 2-7 Once Unit 8 is done I will provide that to you as well. Meanwhile you can start on this project. Please dont hesitate to ask any questions.


Comprehensive Report:

In this course, you are asked to prepare a Final Project (Comprehensive Report), which is made up of various scenarios throughout each unit. Each unit (i.e., units II through VIII) contains a scenario for you to solve and to provide recommendations. By the end of the course, you are asked to collect all of the individual responses from each scenario and to insert them into a Comprehensive Report.

The Final Project (Comprehensive Report) requires each of the following:

-Title page (APA format)

-Executive Summary (summarize the entire report by briefly identifying the main points of each individual report)

-Table of Contents

-Each of the individual reports (with any necessary corrections/improvements)

-Each appendix from the individual reports (with any necessary corrections/improvements)

-The purpose of this Project and its constituent reports is to provide you with an opportunity to gather data, calculate data, make recommendations, and prepare reports as an advanced safety professional. ----Once complete, keep your Comprehensive Report as a demonstration of your ability to perform as an advanced safety professional, as well as a representation of your attention to detail. Bosses like that kind of thing, and so do future employers.

Prepare your report in a word-processing application (i.e., Word) using APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.

Hi there I wanted to let you know that Unit 6 and unit 7 Papers will not be used. I have to revise them . I will attach as soon as it is revised. I hope you understand. If you have any questions please feel free to message me. Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Project
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc54620617 \h 3Final Project PAGEREF _Toc54620618 \h 4Unit 2 Hazard Evaluation Report PAGEREF _Toc54620619 \h 4Unit 3 Radiation Safety Report PAGEREF _Toc54620620 \h 4Unit 4 Noise Analysis PAGEREF _Toc54620621 \h 5Unit 5 Exposure to Safety Compromise PAGEREF _Toc54620622 \h 6Unit 6 Hydrostatics and Hydraulics Report PAGEREF _Toc54620623 \h 7Unit 7 Fire Prevention, Protection, and Inspection Report PAGEREF _Toc54620624 \h 7Unit 8 Ergonomics Report PAGEREF _Toc54620625 \h 8References PAGEREF _Toc54620626 \h 9
Executive Summary
This is a comprehensive report that is made up of various scenarios throughout each unit. The units covered in the report are 2 up to 8. Each unit has an area of analysis. Unit 2 focuses on hazard evaluation, while unit 3 emphasizes a project on radiation safety. Unit 4 exploits noise analysis while unit 5 analyzes exposure to safety compromise. The report also covers inputs on unit 6 hydrostatics and hydraulics, unit 7 Fire prevention, protection and inspection, and unit 8 ergonomics. Each case is accompanied by calculations that lead to specific recommendations for individual cases.
Final Project
Unit 2 Hazard Evaluation Report
The study was conducted to obtain a hazard evaluation report for different parts of the company where employees were exposed to welding fumes and other hazardous substances. The assessment will serve as a prompt for reviewing major safety procedures and processes. The case involved Acme Manufacturing’s welding room that houses six welding booths. TWA (time-weighted average) exposure is the average concentration of substances during an ordinary eight- to ten-hour workday.
According to OSHA’s asbestos requirements and standards for air sampling to evaluate exposures against the PRLs, sampling time ought to be as close to the possible work shift, not exceeding 8 hours. Also, a minimum of six hours of sampling is required for the samples to be valid. Using the formula E = (Ca Ta+Cb Tb+. . .Cn Tn)÷8 to determine the exposure for 8 hours in the 6 booths, it was established that the actual exposure for iron oxide in booth 3, 4, and 6 ranged from 1.37 to 10.06. The value of E should not exceed 10 mg/m3.
It was recommended that installing a fully enclosed system in the foundry room can help draw airborne contaminants away from the workers instead of through their breathing zone. Additionally, the company should maintain the existing ventilation systems and keep ensuring that they are functioning efficiently. It is also important to make sure that the ventilation booths and ventilation systems are working when welding operations are running.
Unit 3 Radiation Safety Report
The report focused on the need by Acme Manufacturing to evaluate employee exposure to radiation. To do that, there is an emphasis on test equipment, repair facility, radar testing facility and consider laser safety control measures in the laser laboratory. In the test equipment and repair facility, they focused on the intensity at the proposed distance using the formula I2= I1 (d12/d22). The results were the proposed recommendations for all the analyzed booths. When calculating the intensity at the proposed distance, using the formula I= Ioe-µx, with the lead shield, the linear absorption coefficient of lead, which is 1.23cm-1 is considered in the calculation. Acme Manufacturing Co proposed to install the lead shielding to reduce the dose rate.
It was recommended that when considering the risk actual exposure rate to the radiation source, there is a need to consider administrative controls that are part of the written work procedures. Additionally, the written work procedures ought to be generated by those responsible for the operations of those who are sufficiently qualified personnel with the necessary and sufficient experience to work with equipment that causes radiation sources.
Unit 4 Noise Analysis
In this project, it was established that needs analysis is essential and helps to determine non-negotiable requirements such as tools, skills, knowledge, systems, to name a few. Thus said, analyzing employees’ exposure to noise improves their communication, concentration, and productivity, and reduces workplace accidents and injuries. The project focused on exposure to noise at the machine shop by seven different employees.
The calculations established the following outcomes in strategic noise locations in the shop:
1 Pascal = 1 Newton/ square meter or 0.10197162129779 kilogram-force/ square meter


SPL (N/m²)

SPL W/m²


East Wall

0.0683 N/m²



West Wall

0.0742 N/m²



South Wall

0.0813 N/m²



North Wall

0.0699 N/m²


It was recommended that the organization must set guidelines, provides training as well as enforces such standards. Usually, any soun...
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