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Attitudes Management Essay Research Coursework Paper

Essay Instructions:

Our attitudes influence how we think, feel, and behave toward ourselves and towards others. Whether a company hires a person is greatly impacted by the candidate's attitude. We can, however, change our attitudes.

Firstly, discuss some of the attitudes most valued by employers as discussed in the e-text.

Secondly, look at the Mayo Clinic web-link:


that focuses on negative self-talk, also called cognitive distortions, (filtering, personalizing, polarizing, catastrophizing) and on positive thinking. Provide one example of negative self-talk that you have experienced or have observed in the workplace. Discuss how you can counteract that negative thinking by using positive thinking that would keep your attitude more in line with what employers are looking for in their employees.

Lastly, watch the Sam Berns Ted Talk:


and discuss how he incorporated optimism in his life and had a positive attitude despite his challenges. How could you apply optimism to your life?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Q1: Attitude plays an important in sustaining work relationships among employees and the employer. Employers are increasing looking at individual attitude rather than the experience and academic prowess of an individual when hiring. Some of the common attitudes they will look at include the interpersonal skills that involve how one communicates and relates with other. Self –motivation by creating own goals and working towards achieving them. Open mindedness is also another attitude as employers highly regard employees who are open to changes and very flexible to adapt to new changes. The other attitudes are team spirit, health consciousness, appreciation of coworker diversity and honesty.
Q2: When the coronavirus broke out, there was tension all over the place with most people expecting the worst. Although it was expected, the uncertainty that came with it was more threatening than the disease itself. A colleague of mine, who I was working with on some part time job, thought the world was coming to an end. He was very skeptical about the future especially after we were ordered not to report to work following the outbreak. He was worried on how to survive should there be no work completely. Despite my assurance that things would get better and th...
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