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Summative Assessment (Management Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Summative Assessment

You are a worker in a fast growing, large, non-union manufacturing organization. You notice persistent systematic labor violations in the plant. The company has multiple locations in the United States and plants in China and France. People are complaining about the working conditions and wages. A group of your fellow workers are talking about the need to fight back. There seems to be a willingness to organize. You have decided to seek the help of a Union. Write the following information in proposal format. Remember to follow APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center and to cite at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

Describe the union organizing process.

Identify the union you would choose to help you organize and explain why.

Describe the the responsibilities of the workers.

Describe what the unions can do to help labor.

Explain what management can legally say and do when they learn an organization movement is in progress.

Explain what can be done to help the workers overseas organize.

Explain why the global nature of the business does or does not influence the organization and bargaining process.

Note: Be sure to check that your Turnitin Similarity Index does not exceed 10% (excluding reference page).

The Paper

Must be 1250 to 1500 words, double-spaced (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Summative Assessment
Student’s Name
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Summative Assessment
Labor unions are some of the most important organizations in the world bearing the impacts that they have on employees. In cases where organizations treat their employees inappropriately, the unions have always assisted the employees. In the recent past, the same unions have been accused of sabotaging growth in the labor industry. Still, their growth continues, and questions remain about how such unions can be made better to address more employee needs. This paper explores the techniques, steps, and strategies that are vital while developing a union organization. The case-based analysis is vital because it advises on the key elements of a union, including the development process, places of reference, legal obligations, and the responsibilities of workers that constitute the sustainability of such unions.
Union Organizing Process
Union organizers must undergo a five-step process to institute a fully functional union. The first step involves building an organizing committee. An organizing committee is a representative group of individuals that consist of people from different segments in the organization (Cohen & De, 2020). The size committee can be organized depending on the operational scope of the organization. The second step involves the adoption of an issue program. Upon its formation, the committee must formulate demands or changes that they need to be instilled in the organization. The demands can be disseminated through multiple campaign initiatives. The third step involves signing up the majority in the union cards. For new unions, numbers matter. It is upon the union to convince more members into its confines with the nature of its demands.
Winning the union election and negotiating a union contract mark the last steps in formulating a union. In winning the union elections, there must be the involvement of various authorities. The union must present their membership cards to the labor boards (Cohen & De, 2020). It is from the cards that the board can tell members who are eligible to vote during the union elections. The employer is also allowed to bargain with the union at this stage. Ultimately, members should negotiate a contract. It is in the contract that both the employer and the union agree on everything. The required changes or employee grievances can be included in the contract upon negotiations with the employer. Both the employer and the union must sign the contract.
Chosen Union for Help
The United Steel Workers should be the union to help in developing a new organization. The United Steel Workers is appropriate because they understand the manufacturing industry and its demands. The organization has stayed for a long time, and it bears wide experience in the operations of the manufacturing industry (Cohen & De, 2020). United Steel Workers also operated beyond a specific jurisdiction. Due to the popularity of manufacturing at its inception, this organization expanded beyond one state. It offers the best experience when it comes to developing an organization that intends to serve people beyond the confines of one legal jurisdiction. Seeking help from such an organization should lay the foundation for a new union.
Responsibilities of the Workers
Workers play vital roles in a union. Primarily, they strengthen the union through lenses, including popularizing the union to other workers. Workers must also work with the management to help in solving workplace issues. The other role of workers is to be advocates both for themselves and others. Workers must understand their grievances and report any violations. That is, workers ensure that employers are meeting their obligations as set in the agreements (Cohen & De, 2020). Ultimately, workers must explore the workplace environment to ascertain breaches on the grounds of violations of workplace safety laws and discrimination laws. Workers also play a significant role in the daily running of the union. They contribute money to help in fueling the union agenda. Such workers are also actively involved in the union’s activities, such as voting or electing new leaders. The overall success of a union depends on the activities of the workers.
What the Unions can do to Help Labor
Unions can help labor through multiple avenues. Unions can influence the demand and supply of laborers in an industry. Their influence can be felt through revitalizing the mini...
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