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Human Resource Management in Private or Public Sectors

Essay Instructions:

What are the fundamental differences between the public and private sectors that influences how human resources are managed in these sectors?

use at least two scholorly references. one reference can be this text book: Human Resourece Management in Public Service by Berman, Bowman, West, Van Wart. six edition

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Human Resource Management
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Human Resource Management
Management of human resources differs considerably in private or public sectors bearing the variations in focus for both sectors. In most nations, claims have emerged that public organizations would perform better if they were governed the same way organizations in the private sector are governed. Human resource management is a core prospect when it comes to how both sectors run. In essence, it is through human resources that organizations prosper. In this paper, the emphasis is laid on understanding the fundamental differences between the public and private sectors that influence how human resources are managed in these sectors. The analysis is vital in reengineering organizations to focus on operational success through their human resource elements including values, objectives, accountability, and performance management.
Values are the primary aspects of differences that influence diverse human resource management strategies in the public and private sectors. From the definitions, the public sector emphasizes values that incorporate a large group of people (Kelliher & Parry, 2011). The public sector works in the confines of valuing a nation or a state. Elements of the public including political interest, public needs, and public interest dominate operations in the public sector. The private sector, conversely, values business profit. The differences in values expand to human resources where key activities such as talent management and hiring are executed to befit specific values. For instance, while the private sector hires to improve on its performance, the public sector organizations hire to balance public interest.
The differences in values extend to differences in operational objectives for the public and private sectors. Success is defined differently in the public and private sectors. In the public sector, the objective can be to hire employees from a particular region to balance political interest (Kelliher & Parry, 2011). In the private sector, the objectives are not politically inclined a...
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