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US Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Technology Verification Program (Management Essay)

Essay Instructions:


In this unit, we summarized all of the concepts you learned throughout the course, tying everything together.

For this assignment, you will write an essay in which you will apply safety and health-related theory and technology to address environmental issues.

Please include the components listed below in your essay.

-Discuss the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Technology Verification Program as discussed in the assigned article by Ashley, Waits, Hartzell, and Harten (2005). Discuss ammonia and mercury monitoring specifically.

-Provide an equation used for computing water flow rate from pipe diameter. Describe the application and variables in the equation.

-Explain two methods for treating water.

-Explain two features of a solid waste landfill.

-Describe two hazardous waste onsite remediation technologies.

-Explain the purpose of an electrostatic precipitator and the air pollutants that it removes, and show an equation used to determine its efficiency.

-Provide the equation used to compute SPL (in dB) from sound pressure in µbars. If a bulldozer emits a sound level of 90 dBA, what is the sound level (dBA) of two bulldozers next to each other?

-Discuss your favorite part of the course.

Your essay should flow smoothly from topic to topic with thoughtful transitions. Your essay should be at least four pages in length, not counting the references page; a title page is optional.

Support your essay with at least two peer-reviewed articles from the CSU Online Library. The articles should be no more than 20 years old. Feel free to use the textbook and other sources as references in addition to your two CSU Online Library sources. Be sure to properly cite and reference all sources, and use APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

US Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Technology Verification Program
Student’s Name
US Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Technology Verification Program
The Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program started in 1995. The program's main focuses are developing procedures or protocols for testing and verifying the performance of the various innovative technologies that have to assist in eliminating harmful substances that can harm people. Through the ETV program, it is now easier to introduce novel environmental technologies by fast-tracking the evaluation process within the United States and the international scene. It is known as one of the most comprehensive environmental technology testing program in the world throughout the world. The testing process includes various different innovations such as "diverse as alternative fuels and systems for reduction of nitrogen oxides, micro-turbines and leak-prevention technologies for natural gas pipelines, cryptosporidium and arsenic control in small community drinking water systems, pollution prevention technologies, and monitoring and treatment technologies with homeland security applications for protecting water resources and buildings” (Waits, Hartzell, & Harten, 2005, p. D87).
Ammonia and Mercury Monitoring
Many of the technologies that have been proved through the ETV program are related to environmental issues. There is a need for effective procedures for monitoring various technologies and 3snuring that the supply cost, performance data, and suitable technologies are selected for a particular purpose. The program includes the development of various partnerships in order to develop effective monitoring technologies for specific purposes. For example, The Advanced Monitoring System (AMS) Center is a partnership program with Battelle and is mandated to evaluate and verify available technologies in the market that assess contaminants and natural species (Waits, Hartzell, & Harten, 2005).
Most agricultural activities produce ammonia, which is released directly into the atmosphere. With proper remedies, the gas can lead to adverse health and environmental impacts. The AMS program verified ambient ammonia sensors to establish their effectiveness in measuring ammonia levels in the air. Another essential monitoring technology is the continuous monitoring of mercury. The monitors are designed to provide essential data to understand the main sources of mercury, transport, and fate in the environment (Waits, Hartzell, & Harten, 2005). These are some of the technologies that have been verified under the ETV program in order to enhance environmental safety and ensure that there is effective monitoring of all potential dangers.
Flow Rate Equation
The flow rate equation is given by:
Q = V/t,
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