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Project Management Techniques Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Assess the planning, monitoring, and controlling of projects using the PERT/CPM methods, including factors such as early start late finish, duration, and precedence in the project path. Share an example of a real-world application.

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Project Management Techniques
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The planning, controlling and the monitoring of projects is one of the most important tasks that has been allocated to project managers. The processes are important to ensure the success of the project. The planning process involves the identification of the involved activities and allocating time in regard to how they will be completed. After the planning process, project managers ought to monitor its progress so as to identify any adjustments or changes that need to be done. This can only be achieved through an effective controlling of the project which is best done by appointing people to oversee the project. PERT (Programme Evaluation Review Technique) becomes an effective tool for project completion through the effective planning, controlling and monitoring of the various activities involved in the project. PERT/CPM provides a conducive platform through which managers can brainstorm their ideas and in turn, come up with a process that would ensure the effective completion of the project (Agyei, 2015).
The planning of a project in regard to the CPM involves the determination of the early start date. This is the earliest date in which each of the scheduled activities is expected to begin. In addition, the late finish is the latest date in which each of the activities is expected to end. The determination of such dates is important to the project managers because it makes it easy for them to plan each of the activities accordingly. Poor planning can result in the failure of a project. The duration is the period that activity is expected to last. It is usually expressed in terms of working time units such as hours...
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