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MGMT2001 Consumerography. Culture of Consumption. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

MGMT2001 Consumerography v1.0 is the topic, and then the other three files are the most recent lessons.

Please write according to the requirements. This course is very important. Thank you


MGMT2001 – Corporate Sustainability Consumer Experience - Consumerography Briefing Document Ver 1.0 Draft Note – if you have any question regarding the assignment please ask them through the Course Discussion area of Wattle. Please also let me know if there are any errors in this draft. Due: 31st March 11pm Marks: 30 marks Submission: Assignments to be submitted as a soft-copy through Turnitin link on Wattle. Word Limit: 1,500 words + you may also include evidence including images, observation calculations, tables, charts etc – what ever you feel is necessary. Careful thought should be given to any attachments. It may not be necessary to attach material. Importantly, no raw data should be included only information you have collated and annotated (attaching raw data, material not used to support your argument or un-annotated material will be penalised). Estimated Return Date: 14th April or within 2 weeks of submission – Collective Feedback and individual feedback through rubric. Choice of 2 options (complete 1 option only) Option 1 Write a paper expressing your thoughts and feelings about what it is like for you personally to live within “the culture of consumption.” Answer questions like the following: What are your early memories of shopping, of commercials, and of the things you owned? What is it like “coming of age” surrounded by pressures to buy things? What are your own feelings about being in this culture now? How do you see yourself engaging with (or disengaging from) this culture in the future? H0w does this insight influence your approach to business and your potential future role as a decision-maker. You are also encouraged to explore other questions that are of interest to you. You may frame your answer in whatever way best expresses your learning and understanding. OR (Note; you are not required to do both options) Option 2 From the time you wake up on March 8 until you go to bed on March 10, keep track of every single commercial impression to which you are exposed, including advertisements on television, on clothing, in public places, on the Internet, etc. Write a paper that catalogues the impressions you have encountered, that reflects on what it was like to attend to these impressions, and that discusses how this understanding changed your understanding of your place in consumer culture. You may frame your answer in whatever way best expresses your learning and understanding. Grading: The paper will be graded out of 100 and converted to a mark out of 30 by Turnitin. Marking Criteria Weighting /100 Question Ø Have you the question you intend answering clear to the reader? Ø Have you answered the question? 10 Structure Ø Are the arguments logical and consistent? Ø Does the argument lead to a logical conclusion and or recommendations? Ø Are recommendations (where necessary) achievable and developed from the argument? 20 Sources Ø Where necessary is there evidence of independent research - reading of the literature, web sites, observations, other interesting sources? Ø Are sources appropriate for the question (broad, eclectic, authentic)? 15 Content Ø Is the breadth of coverage appropriate? Ø Are key arguments supported by evidence, examples, sources, or quotations, images? 20 Analysis Ø Is reflection drawn from fact and/or reason? Ø Are the issues and ideas analysed in sufficient depth to develop a critical argument? Ø Is argument overly descriptive? Ø Are issues critically examined? 20 Presentation Ø Does the response show evidence of original thought? Ø Is the paper novel or thought provoking? Ø Is the paper original? 15 Academic Integrity The evidence-based task is an individual assignment. While there is value in discussing the topic and your ideas with others during the workshop, you must be very careful that the work you submit is your own. Systematic checks are conducted for commonality between submitted assignments, assignments from past years and other courses, and of course, the Internet. Submission of the Report A soft copy of the report must be submitted on-line to Turnitin through the course Wattle site on or before the due date and time. Do not include your name on the assignment itself. However, you must put your student number on the front page of the assignment as well as the header or footer of every page. The reason for this requirement is simply that it is fairer to mark individual assignments without knowing the name of the author.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Culture of Consumption
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Culture of Consumption
The culture of consumption refers to a culture where the consumption of various goods and services depends on the values and social status of the consumers (Kasser, 2015). In this culture, the activities that one engages in, the things they value, and how they are defined is determined by the goods and services that they consume. The behavior of consumers has greatly changed over time. The behaviors are affected by social, cultural, economic, as well as psychological factors. This culture makes people wake up every day to go to work that they necessarily do not like to acquire the things they want. Various elements of this culture also characterize Their daily lives. One is constantly exposed to the products and services that the market has to offer. For instance, one wakes up to the sound of a radio alarm clock which is dominated by the advertisement of various goods and services. One might then watch the news as they take breakfast. Various goods and services are advertised every few minutes in the news. As one drives to work, they are exposed to various advertisements made on the car radio. One is also likely to spot a sign of their favorite coffee shop, prompting them to turn in and get a latte.
When they get to work, banner ads keep popping up on the search engine and the magazine they will read over lunch will undoubtedly consist of loads of ads too. As one drives home after work, they will probably drop by a shop in town to get a product that is in fashion. Cooking might look like a hard task, and so one prefers to get pizza from the joint that is always being advertised. To end the day, one might decide to watch a sporting event that has been sponsored by a large company dealing in athletic equipment. That is how the culture of consumption has infiltrated every aspect of modern-day living. The culture has been termed as manipulative and oppressive. This notwithstanding, it is a part of our lives that cannot be ignored.
Owing to the culture, many people today own things that they do not need Regardless, they keep consuming those things, especially because the media tells them to and the society seems to force them to belong to certain social groups (Lewis, 2018). Growing up in the 1990s, consumerism was all around me, but I did not view it from the same perspective as today. The commercials were just as addictive as the modern-day ads but were not as frequent. It is ironic that though we loathed the adverts that disrupted our watching have become part of our childhood memories. Hungry, Hungry Hippos and Reese’s adverts are just some of them. Commercials in this period were also largely affected by the emergence of the internet. Though the ads were considered sophisticated in the existing standards, they were quite cheap to make. Brands and logos were also given the prominence in the attraction of new and diverse consumers. It was also during this period that companies began launching websites. Various special effects and graphics were also used to make the commercials more attractive. More than ever before, the ads were also getting targeted at specific markets. People of different races, cultures, and genders were used in the adverts to represent a society that was getting more diverse and accommodating. As a child, I did not think of commercials as a tool designed to influence our perception of certain products. Since most ads were funny, I saw them as a source of entertainment. However, while walking in the mall, I would usually pick the products whose commercials were most attractive. Therefore, though without my knowledge, commercials were affecting my shopping choices. Shopping was an important family event during this period. Families used to set aside a day for shopping, during which the entire family would walk to the mall and get whatever they needed. Since online shopping had not become as mainstream as it is today, shopping was mainly physical. This made shopping more enjoyable, especially for children. However, looking back, I can comfortably say that shopping was not as extravagant...
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