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Project Management Individual Project Management Plan Essay

Essay Instructions:

Project Management Individual Project Management Plan

Team Project - Individual Project Management Plan

Please read the “Project Charter Uber Tour” doc in the attachment first,

Then write the individual project management plan---- focus on the Risk part relate to the Uber Tour

Project Risk Management (Uber Tour) include

Planning Process Group

11.1 Plan Risk Management

11.2 Identify Risks

11.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

11.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis 11.5 Plan Risk Responses

Executing Process Group

11.6 Implement Risk Responses

Monitoring and Controlling Process Group

11.7 Monitor Risks

Individual Project Management Plan

The individual project management plans should accurately reflect content included in previous phases of the team project. Your plan should include the information listed below:

1. Introduction – Describe what the plan is and which project it is for.

2. Goals – Describe the purpose of the plan

3. Objectives – Describe how you will achieve the goals of the plan.

4. Roles and Responsibilities – List the hypothetical roles which will be involved in creating and executing the plan (Just focus on the roles with respect to activities related to the knowledge area the plan is expected to cover here – nothing else.). The other usual rules apply: You may describe them as abstract roles or invent the names of people who will fill those roles. For each role, a list of the responsibilities attached to that role should also be provided.

5. Deliverables – What, if any, materials and outputs will be created by this plan? List and describe them. Remember: you are considering this from the vantage point of being at the planning stage, NOT actually executing the project.

6. For each planning process associated with the knowledge area covered by your plan (as described in class and PMBOK), describe how the process will be handled for the project. You should also list and describe the inputs, tools and techniques and outputs of the process.

Your plan should be written in a narrative format, providing ample description within each section. It is not sufficient to simply provide a series of bulleted lists of materials! There is no length constraint, but plans do not have to be long!

Do your own work and make sure you answer all the questions.

It will submit on the Turnitin.

Submission will be sent to Turnitin to be electronically reviewed for plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Project Management in the Information Age
Team Project - Individual Project Management Plan
Project Risk Management (Uber Tour)
This project documents the processes, procedures, and tools used to manage and control events that negatively impact the Uber Tour project. The project team, project manager, and risk experts will work together to develop solutions to enhance the project's performance and success. Every user department will be responsible for assessing and developing effective solutions for the risks that are directly linked to their department. Risk experts will help the project team in identifying the risks and developing practical solutions.
Team members will report to their department heads, who will report to the project manager. The project team will complete the risk management system that finally determines how to control and oversee the project's effectiveness and fulfillment. The team will also approve risk management policies and define its framework. The project manager and risk experts will ensure threats have a reduced effect on the project outcome. At the same time, enhance the probability of gaining from specific opportunities along the project life cycle.
Risk identification
Risk identification is an essential process in risk management. It involves the process of assessing, identifying risks to a project, its operations, and workforce (Dinu, 2016). Today, as businesses grow and technology advances, organizations often become exposed to threats and legal challenges. Uber Tour, a technology company that seeks to connect customers to favorite tourist attractions, will face a myriad of risks. Different tools and techniques will be used in identifying risks, including the Delphi technique, documentation review, brainstorming, checklist analysis, interviews, questionnaires, mind maps, interviews, documentation review, and root cause analysis, to mention a few.
With risks stemming from different sources, the project team will review various factors, including the cost estimates, project scope, key performance restrictions, performance challenges, interoperability, stakeholder expectations vs. current plan, internal dependencies to identify significant risks. The team will also analyze other factors, including supportability, cost deviations, the company's ability to handle threats, safety, security, implementation challenges, supply chain vulnerabilities, schedule, technical maturity, and integration with an aim to identify risks.
Historical data from the Original Uber project, risk lists, and stakeholder interviews will provide valuable insight into areas for consideration of risks. As the project advances, useful information will be gained about the project, including project design, and the risk statement will be accustomed to mirror the present understanding. New risks will also be identified as the project progresses through the life cycle.
In this project, critical participants in identifying risks will include customers, team management, project manager, team members, end-users, risk management experts, assistant project managers, team management, stakeholders, investors, and the final customers. As risks may evolve or are identified as the project progresses, the project manager and risk experts will ensure that every chance is understood clearly and unequivocally to support useful analysis and solutions.
Qualitative Risk Analysis
Normally, projects are exposed to many risk, thus making it impossible for project managers to deal with all of them. Sometimes, the resources that may be spent to mitigate a risk may outweigh the risk itself. Thus said, it is important for project manager to prioritize risks according to likelihood and impact, identify main areas of risk exposure and increase the understanding of the risks.
Once the project team identifies a potential risks, they consider the impact and the likelihood of the risks to the project. The risks will then be classified as either threats or opportunities. The project then estimates the impact of each risk on the scale of 1-5. That is, 1= very low, 2=low, 3= medium, 4= high and 5= very high. Next, the project team will estimate the likelihood of every risk occurring using a similar scale. For example, 1=rare, 2= unlikely, 3=probable, 4=probable, and 5= very probable. Ultimately, the scores are multiplied to create a total risk ranking that describes the severity of the risk.
In this analysis, data breach to have the highest risk score of 25, competition with 20, unmanageable customer growth with 12, complex app with 6, and low customer acceptance with 6. This is to mean data breach and competition are severe risks that affect the project. Unmanageable customer growth is a significant risk that may affect the uber Tour app. Complex apps and low customer acceptance are the main risks that affect the project, as illustrated below.
Very probable

Data breach


Unmanageable customer growth



Poor customer acceptance


Complex app


Very Low




Very high

Severe Main risks significant risk
Quantitative risk analysis
Quantitative risk analysis will ...
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