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Project Management Assessment for Advancement

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay to address the Module 5 Common Assignment Requirements.

Submit your Module 5 Critical Thinking assignment as a single Microsoft Word document to the submissions area established for this purpose.

Your essay should address the following requirements:

Your well-written PMO recommendation essay thesis should be 5 to 7 pages in length, which does not include the title, reference, or appendix pages. You need to add headings subheadings associated with each of the bullet points listed in the common assignment requirements.

In addition to your course textbook and the assignment case study, cite at least three current (published within the past 5 years) scholarly resources (peer-reviewed, official governmental reports, and other scholarly sources) to support your suppositions, assertions, and conclusions. To enhance your learning experience, scholarly resources are available from the CSU Global LibraryLinks to an external site..

Include an appendix for tables and figures as appropriate.

Common Assignment Requirements:

Project management (PM) assessment and project auditing enable the project management office (PMO) infrastructure management and technical support. The purpose of this assignment is for you to understand and synthesize the application of PM assessment as an enabling infrastructure for PMO sustainable success.

For this assignment, address the following items:

In your own words including scholarly reference support,

Define PM assessment in context of the PMO infrastructure management.

Describe the primary domains encompassing PMO assessment.

In your own words including scholarly reference support,

Define project auditing context of the PMO technical support.

Describe the main functions encompassing PMO project auditing.

Explain the distinction between PMO assessment and auditing.

Based on the TD Bank N.A.'s enterprise-wide PMOLinks to an external site. (2013) case study, identify how PMO assessment and auditing played a role in the firm's successful growth. Include specific assignment tools and/or techniques used to measure effectiveness.

Summarize how the PM assessment improves PMO success and business results while recognizing ethical considerations and challenges unique to an international PMO.


Project Management Institute. (2013). TD Bank N.A.’s enterprise-wide PMO monitors projects and maintains focus on strategic goals.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

PMO Assessment for Advancement Essay
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Due Date
The project management office (PMO) is a management framework that standardizes project-based governance procedures and facilitates the firm's methodologies, tools, techniques, and resources. With tenets in the engineering and information technology (IT) sectors, PMOs are increasingly being applied in other sectors as well as in diverse government entities. Project management (PM) assessments and auditing facilitate PMO technical support and infrastructure management. This paper aims to evaluate and synthesize the use of PM assessment as a central framework for PMO capacity to achieve sustainable success. The paper defines PM assessment and its domains based on PMO infrastructure management and the meaning of project auditing and function in the context of PMO technical support. It also outlined the differences between PMO auditing and assessment. The paper also considers the role of TD Bank N.A.'s PMO appraisal and auditing in its overall organizational success. Lastly, it summarizes the value of PM assessment in business growth and ethical considerations and pitfalls for global PMO usage.
Define PM assessment in context of the PMO infrastructure management
According to Arbabi et al. (2020), infrastructure management is one of the central functions of PMOs. Assessment emerges as a PMO sub-function deriving its tenets from infrastructure management, and it entails appraising the project's capacity, maturity, and competency. In the context of PMO infrastructure management, PM assessment is the process via which project managers accurately appraise PM practices, project team member productivity, and procedures (Arbabi et al., 2020). The analysis should be executed promptly to support continuous improvement efforts within the enterprise.
Describe the primary domains encompassing PMO assessment
The fundamental domains comprising PMO assessment include capability, maturity, and competency. The capability domain entails a combination of strengths that make it feasible to attain superior results. It focuses on the organization's ability to serve the clients in terms of guaranteeing quality and top-notch services. These capabilities are essential in supporting continuous improvement efforts and growth prospects. The maturity domain emphasizes the company's growth and ability to simultaneously execute diverse project portfolios effectively. Lastly, the competency dimension emphasizes ensuring that the company develops the expertise and skills necessary to undertake PMO processes (Alqahtani, 2019).
Define project auditing context of the PMO technical support
Auditing is the independent, objective consulting and assurance activity tailored to add value and augment the firm's operations. Project auditing with respect to PMO technical support is no different from any other compliance or risk-based audit. It entails a systematic, disciplined framework to appraise and enhance the effectiveness of planning, procurement, scheduling, and all associated implementation and monitoring tasks in relation to the project. In this context, the project auditing endeavor entails investigating the project to ensure it meets all the initially defined criteria. It is an investigation tailored to establish the authentic status of the activities conducted on a project as well as how it conforms to the project's initial work statement, including budget and schedule constraints (Wedekind & Philbin, 2018). Project auditing supports the PMO approach to ensure it is executed to augment the projects' operational delivery and contribute to strategic objectives development where PMO offers projects' alignments to the corporate strategy. The project auditing supports PMO technical to ensure the project is delivered per the schedule, mitigates cost overruns, and produces the anticipated project specifications per the delineated quality levels (Wedekind & Philbin, 2018).
Describe the main functions encompassing PMO project auditing
PMO project auditing encompasses different functions. First, it develops a comprehensive or strategic plan to mobilize the relevant resources that must be addressed to help in project development. The second function relates to the tracking and control technique, where the project auditor monitors whether the project managers are adhering to the delineated strategic plans. In most instances, tracking is employed when the project incorporates a measurable goal. The PMO project auditing ensures that the project plan is anchored on a program for potential vulnerabilities to provide a risk response strategy that can be applied to solve any emergent issues in the project implementation course. Another function is related to upholding human resources arrangements (Addo & Ackah, 2019). This entails integrating the project members' needs and considering the contexts within which they will be operating as an established protocol for project team members' work arrangements.
PMO project auditing also establishes in-house boundaries to ensure the project teams can manage project boundaries, including project phases, milestones, and stages that are anchored on clearly-stated deliverables. This makes it easy to monitor and control the project. In addition, the PMO project auditing establishes reporting provisions. The PMO ensures that they primarily emphasize reporting the project portfolio to the executives to help communicate about and within projects, thus keeping both parties engaged in the project to establish the progress and demonstrate investment performance visibility. The PMO project auditing also delineates client relations. In order to ensure project success, the project manager should develop a strong r...
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