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Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Its Effectivity and Importance

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Enterprise Risk Management Paper [due Day#]

Assignment Content

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about enterprise risk management (ERM) in which you:

Explain the difference between traditional and enterprise risk management.

Explain why enterprise risk management is a more effective approach for today's organizations.

Explain key drivers of value-driven enterprise risk management.

Explain how these key drivers are applied within health care to drive enterprise risk management. Provide examples.

Cite at least 3 outside sources.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a comprehensive methodology that assists organizations in effectively managing risks. Unlike traditional risk management, which often focuses on limiting and avoiding risks that could impair a company's finances, ERM seeks to identify and manage all potential internal and external risks to increase the business's value. This paper compares and contrasts traditional and ERM approaches, explains why ERM is effective in modern enterprises, identifies the fundamental drivers of value-based ERM, and shows how these drivers are used in healthcare to promote ERM. By understanding the importance of ERM, organizations can safeguard their reputation and strengthen their resilience against risks, leading to growth and success.
Traditional vs. Enterprise Risk Management
Traditional risk management is a reactive approach that entails identifying, assessing, and reducing risks that could negatively impact an organization's financial health. This method focuses on economic risks such as market risks, debt management, and liquidity hazards. Traditional risk management is useful when dealing with known threats. However, it may fall short when dealing with emergent or complicated issues (SAJWANI, 2021).
On the other hand, ERM is a proactive risk management approach that tries to identify and control hazards before they materialize. It is a comprehensive method that considers all business areas, such as operations, finance, strategy, and reputation (Jankensgard, 2021). ERM covers various possible hazards, including strategic risks, operational risks, reputation damage, and regulatory issues. ERM is intended to identify risks that potentially damage a company's capacity to achieve its objectives and manage those risks in a way that adds value to the organization by considering a wide range of risks.
The scope of risk management is another significant distinction between traditional risk management and ERM. The former is frequently focused on financial issues and is generally fragmented within individual departments or tasks. Comparatively, ERM takes a broader approach that includes hazards throughout the business (Saeidi et al., 2021). To identify and manage risks, ERM requires collaboration across departments and functions.
Traditional risk management may be effective in dealing with known threats but not as effective in handling new or complicated problems. On the other hand, ERM considers a wide range of hazards and takes a holistic strategy for managing risks. ERM may provide value to a business and help it accomplish its goals by identifying and controlling risks before they occur.
Why Enterprise Risk Management is a More Effective Approach
Organizations operate in a highly complicated and uncertain environment (Andersen, 2020). As a result, traditional risk management approaches that primarily focus on limiting or eliminating risks that may harm a company's bottom line may no longer be sufficient. Reactive measures frequently fail to anticipate and manage potential risks affecting an organization's capacity to achieve its objectives.
ERM provides a more proactive and effective risk management technique. ERM, as opposed to traditional risk management, seeks to identify and control hazards before they materialize. Therefore, organizations can eliminate risks before they impact their goals through this approach. Additionally, ERM considers all aspects of a company, such as operations, economics, philosophy, and image. This comprehensive strategy enables firms to identify and manage risks that could jeopardize their capacity to achieve their goals. Therefore, this integrated approach to risk management promotes efficient and effective risk management processes.
In general, ERM is a more successful approach to risk management because it proactively identifies and controls risks and takes into account all parts of a company. Organizations can use ERM to take an integrated approach to risk management, resulting in a more efficient and effective risk management process. In today's complex and uncertain climate, ERM is a critical tool for firms striving to manage risks and achieve their objectives.
Key Drivers of Value-Driven Enterprise Risk Management
Value-driven Enterprise Risk Manag...
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