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Procurements Executed Internationally vs in the United States

Essay Instructions:

In Module Three, you will submit a procurement regulations and source selection document with more of your analysis for your selected case study. First, consider the critical elements in Section III of the final project. Then discuss the impact of government regulations on procurement, the regulatory differences for procurements between the United States and another country, and potential regulatory effects for your selected procurement scenario. Second, consider the critical elements in Section IV of the final project, analyze and choose a set of parameters that you feel are useful for evaluating vendor proposals, develop a vendor evaluation tool, and assess its usefulness for proposal evaluation and selection in your scenario. The relevant critical elements of the final project, Sections III and IV, are repeated below. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your analysis: III. Procurement Regulations in United States and Abroad a. Discuss procurement regulations required by local, regional, and federal governments with regard to specific types of procurements executed in the United States (e.g., Manchester, NH). b. Discuss procurement regulations required by local, regional, and federal governments with regard to specific types of procurements executed internationally (e.g., Manchester, UK). c. Summarize the differences between the domestic and international procurement regulations discussed above. d. Determine which procurement regulations would apply to the procurement plan in the case study, and explain your reasoning. In other words, will you be required to follow domestic or international regulations, or both? Why? IV. Source Selection a. Describe common source selection criteria used to evaluate vendor proposals. b. Select an appropriate vendor evaluation tool suitable for identifying vendors for the procurement plan in the case study. The tool you select should employ appropriate selection criteria and be capable of producing a summary evaluation score. c. Assess the vendor evaluation tool produced for its effectiveness in satisfying the project requirements and providing maximum value to the buyer in the case study

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Government Regulations on Procurement
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Government Regulations on Procurement
Procurement Regulations
Procurements Executed in the United States
A company can engage in different types of contracts executed locally. Examples include direct procurement, indirect procurement, goods procurement, and services procurement (Jenkins, 2021). For all these types, the basic procurement regulation in the United States is the contract laws, which define how and which procurement arrangements are legally binding. It is important to acknowledge that the contract laws apply across all levels of government, from local, regional, and federal. Therefore, procurement contracts executed locally will require that the firms understand and comply with contract laws. Direct procurement involves the acquisition of items or materials required in the production of an end-product. Therefore, the nature and use of the materials may be regulated by the local and regional governments, especially if they have an impact on such issues as the environment. The same applies to indirect procurement, which focuses on supplies for day-to-day operations. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is another regulation that sets the rules for government procurement in the United States. This regulation often targets the contracts by government bodies, including NASA, civilian federal agencies, and the US military.
Procurements Executed Internationally
Procurements executed internationally are subject to several regulations. The local procurement regulations may apply as a business used the domestic compliance checklists to trade with a foreign business. Most importantly, international business law plays a critical role in regulating procurements executed internationally. According to Kimball (2022), international business law entails the practice of law on global business organizations. The legal framework comprises international commercial transactions, licensing, taxes, and tariffs. For direct procurement, import regulations apply to the procuring business, including the type and nature of commodities purchased. The same applies to indirect and goods procurement types. Service procurement executed internationally may be regulated by either the international business law or other country-specific or region-specific procurement regulations from the supplying country. Additionally, it is important to express that where the United States has trade agreements with the supplying countries, other regulatory considerations may apply, including tariffs, duties, and taxes.
The main difference between the domestic and international regulations is the jurisdiction. The domestic regulations handle domestic procurements. In this case, both businesses are located within the country, which means that they simply enter into contractual agreements governed by the country's procurement laws. On the contrary, the international regulations consider the fact that two businesses are located in different legal and political spheres where a unified legal framework may not be available. Therefore, international business law acts as the main regulation since all the countries involved are bound by the same law. Another core difference is that domestic regulations are simpler and easier to comply with as compared to international laws. The aspects of the business governed are fewer since the procurement contract law simply defines the legal obligations of each party. The international regulations consider other factors, including taxation, tariffs, and duties paid by each party to the procurement contract. In the case of government procurement, the international acquisition laws differ from the FAR in terms of what products can be purchased internationally. The Buy American statute requires contracting agencies to prioritize American vendors.
Selected Regulations
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