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Predicting Job Performance through Personality Tests

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment you will look at three personality tests which are popular in business today and try to determine if we can accurately assess the personalities of employees or potential employees. One popular way is through various assessment tools, such as questionnaires.
Spend some time taking each of the following tests:
1. Jung Personality Test, https://www(dot)123test(dot)com/jung-personality-test/
2. Personality Test by Edwin van Thiel, https://www(dot)123test(dot)com/personality-test/
What characteristics are measured in the tests you took? Were your test results what you expected?
Next, take the DISC Personality Test, https://www(dot)123test(dot)com/disc-personality-test/
Discuss the differences in the DISC areas of measurement with the other tests you took.
Read the descriptions of the characteristic categories for each. Keeping those personality characteristics in mind, think about how they affect your own work attitude and job performance.
Address the following questions related to topics covered in this Module in a 2- to 3-page paper, not counting the cover and reference list pages.
What are your personality characteristics? In what ways do they affect your attitude at work?
How does your work attitude affect your job performance and behavior?
Then, meet with your manager or a coworker who knows you well, and discuss your findings in one or more of the personality tests. Discuss how your manager or coworker sees you compared to your test results. Include a paragraph of at least 75 words covering the highlights of your discussion with that person.
(If you are not currently working, you can select a family member, friend, or someone else who knows you well to complete this part of the assignment.)
Support your responses to the questions in this 2- to 3-page assignment with at least one high-quality reference. High-quality references come from peer-reviewed academic journals and textbooks. All references must be properly cited and included on the References page.
Remember to spell check your submission. In addition, check for the correct use of basic APA formatting of the document and references, such as the use of Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced paragraphs, paragraphs indented ½ inch, margins on all four sides of the paper set at 1 inch, and bolded headings. You can use another formatting style, such as Chicago or MLA, as long as you use it consistently throughout your paper; however, if you use APA formatting, practice using the 7th edition.
This paper is all about you, so it is perfectly fine to respond to assignment questions in the first person.
Upload your assignment to the SLP 1 Dropbox. Be sure to review your TurnItIn Originality report. If the score is over 15%, contact your professor. You need to review the report and add any missing citations as noted on the report.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Predicting Job Performance
Student's Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor's Name
Predicting Job Performance
Two of the most important predictors of job performance in any given organization are the employees' characteristics and the working environment. More often than not, the personality and attitude of employees are directly influenced by the working environment. A harsh working environment, for instance, could potentially erode an employee's confidence, thereby affecting their performance. In relation to this, I have taken some personality tests to determine where I stand as an employee.
The two personality tests I undertook first were conducted by Jung Personality Test and the Personality Test by Edwin van Thiel. In general, they sought to determine how my personality affects my relationship with other people. One of the characteristics they measured was my attitude towards other people. Both sought to know whether I put the needs of other people ahead of mine or not. Another characteristic that they measured was discretion. Here they sought to find out how I approach situations and the decisions I make; are they rash or well thought out? In addition, they measured my interaction where they wanted to know whether I made friends easily or not. They also inquired whether I was at ease while in the midst of crowds.
The results of these two personality tests were not far from what I expected. I have always been an outgoing person who easily interacts with people. My confidence levels were adjudged to be high, for I do not shy away from taking issues by the horns. In a word, their assessment of my personality did not surprise me.
I also undertook a DISC personality test, and it was different from the other two because here, the test dwelt on how other people perceived me. Here they put four main personal attributes to the test. The first thing that was tested was my confidence and how much determined I am to achieve ...
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