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Identifying Individual Differences in the Workplace to Achieve Job Satisfaction

Essay Instructions:

Managers often notice the relationship between attitudes and job performance. You may have heard someone say, “With that great attitude, this employee will set new sales records!” or “With that poor attitude, quality work will never result!” However, managers seldom realize that they can affect an employee’s work attitudes (such as job satisfaction and commitment), which in turn can affect job outcomes such as turnover, absenteeism, and productivity.
Case Assignment
In this first Case Assignment, you are asked to view a video that examines attitudes, behaviors, and their impacts on the workplace. In this first case you will be writing about the following scenarios:
Kelly and the Personal Space Invader (Sam)
Sophia and the Empty Pit (Molly)
Ray and the Chip on the Shoulder (Victor)
Fisher, R. (Producer), & Napoli, J. (Director). (2007). Working with you is killing me: Freeing you from emotional traps at work [Video/DVD]. CRM Learning. https://video-alexanderstreet-com(dot)ezproxy2016(dot)trident(dot)edu/p/83ElPJxxo
Write a 3- to 4-page paper discussing the following terms as they relate specifically to your chosen scenario:
Job satisfaction
Attitudes toward management and co-workers
Organizational and job commitment
Absenteeism and turnover
One way to organize your paper is to divide it into sections. For example:
(The introduction does not need its own title. Use the title you selected for your paper, instead).
Job Satisfaction (heading)
Attitudes toward Managers and Co-Workers (heading)
Organizational and Job Commitment (heading)
Absenteeism and Turnover (heading)
In your paper make recommendations for change that Kelly and Sam, Sophia and Molly, and Ray and Victor should take to improve their own job satisfaction going forward.
Be sure to support your paper with at least 3 scholarly references from the background readings or from outside readings. Use specific examples from the video to illustrate your main points.
Remember to cite each source utilized to write your paper and include that source on your References page.
Upload your assignment to the Practice Dropbox. Review your TurnItIn Originality report. If the score is over 15%, your writing may be too similar to words of another author. Examine the Turnitin report carefully. You should look for ways to revise your work before submitting to the Case dropbox for grading.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Individual Differences in the Workplace
Student's Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor's Name
Individual Differences in the Workplace
Job Satisfaction
For every organization to remain robust and successful, the attitude of employees is critical. Employees' attitude toward work largely depends on the working environment; what is the demeanor of the management and co-workers? If the management and co-workers present a hostile environment, then employees' attitude is negatively impacted, which hampers production. Some of the factors that determine overall performance in an organization are job satisfaction, attitudes towards management and co-workers, and absenteeism, among others.
Job satisfaction among the employees is an important cog in the realization of an organization's ideals and objectives. It can only be realized where the working environment is conducive. For instance, it is achieved where working relationships are robust while the contrary is true. In the video, Kelly and Sophia are seen shuddering at the thought of their place of work because of an invading colleague and a nagging colleague, respectively (Fisher & Napoli, 2007). They are depicted as suffering from depression which ultimately will have a negative bearing on their performance at work. Another factor that enhances job satisfaction is proper communication in an organization (Chaudhury, 2015). When communicating with employees, the management needs to maintain high levels of openness and respect. Communication in an organization should be a two-way traffic affair whereby everyone is heard regardless of their positions. Moreover, adequately informed employees are inclined toward being more productive since they feel valued. Job satisfaction is also achieved when the roles of each employee are clearly spelled out (Fisher & Napoli, 2007). Last but not least, job satisfaction is achieved where proper remuneration is prioritized. Employees must feel that their wages are commensurate with the type and amount of work allocated to them (Chaudhury, 2015). Having appraisal initiatives where outstanding employees are rewarded also enhances satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be measured in several ways, such as attrition, absenteeism, and commitment.
Attitudes toward Management and Co-workers
People's attitudes toward each other in any given organization significantly affect its overall performance. In an ideal situation, cordial relationships must be maintained at all times. Sadly, this is always not the case. Sometimes, employees and employers find themselves having to contend with a disrespectful employee or a nagging and uncooperative colleague respectively (Fisher & Napoli, 2007).In such a scenario, people are inclined to get depressed, which manifests through symptoms such as lack of sleep and headaches. This could push people into unpleasant indulgences such as smoking and alcoholism, ultimately affecting their productivity. Attitudes of employees toward their employees are shaped by the demeanor of the latter. Management that upholds good practices such as being open and understanding helps improve their employees' perception of them (O'riordan, 2017). On the other hand, if the employers exhibit such traits as harshness and aloofness, employees will adopt a negative attitude towards...
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