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Poor Communication Within a Recruitment Agency

Essay Instructions:

You own a Recruiting Agency. Describe a problem with poor communication regarding expectations within your organization that could be improved through an organizational change initiative.

Use the following outline to develop your recommendation for change for this assignment:

Organizational background

Reasons why the change is needed

Recommendations for change initiative

Expected outcomes after the change is implemented

Your well-crafted paper must be 4-5-pages double-spaced in APA format (approximately 1200-1500 words - not including Title or References pages). At a minimum, include 4 academic references

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Organizational Change Paper
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Communication entails coordinating and transmitting information and sharing feelings and emotions among stakeholders to ensure organizational success. Communication facilitates effective leadership within an organization by ensuring everyone knows its goals and objectives and what it takes to achieve them. Lack of consistency regarding what is communicated and what is perceived or decoded by the various organizational stakeholders is a prerequisite for organizational failure. Ineffective communication in recruitment agencies can cause unclear instructions and responsibilities between managers and employees, leading to poor hiring practices. Due to poor recruitment practices, it is possible that employees would demonstrate low work morale and lack unity of purpose. Poor communication within the recruiting agency needs to be addressed because it results in a lack of employee morale, increased turnover, and conflicts within the organization. The report also recommends changes required and expected results after implementation.
Organizational Background
Poor communication in the contemporary workplace is characterized by unclear responsibilities and instructions to employees, leading to inefficient performance and low profitability within business enterprises (Robels, 2020). The Recruiting agency is responsible for screening job applicants by evaluating their credentials to ensure they meet the job requirements. Also, the firm is responsible for shortlisting and selecting qualified candidates. It is also entrusted with scheduling and conducting interviews for job applicants. However, poor communication between stakeholders within the firm has resulted in low morale among the employees. Due to unclear communications regarding working policies and conditions, workers feel unappreciated and undervalued despite their efforts to ensure the company recruits and screens the best candidates (Ladson, 2019). The agency adopts transformational leadership techniques such as open communication, team building, and rewards to improve workers’ morale, productivity, and profitability.
Reasons Why Change is Needed
Transformational leadership is the change required to solve communication problems within the recruitment agency. This leadership style is necessary for the recruitment agency to motivate employees to work towards better performance. It boosts employees working motivation by encouraging individual confidence geared at promoting personal development and organizational success. This leadership style is a paradigm shift from the existing bureaucratic models as it supports intellectual stimulation where employees incorporate creativity in verifying the job applicants (Khan et al., 2020). Integration of workers’ creativity will ensure the quality performance of recruiting agency since employees will be intrinsically interested in screening job applicants to gain expertise and ensure the company has employed the best candidate to lead to better productivity and profitability.
Change is also necessary to prevent employee turnover. Since workers in the recruiting agency have low morale due to a lack of satisfaction, transformational leadership would assist in motivating by openly discussing their issues and responding appropriately. For example, developing a flexible working schedule reduces worker turnover (Ladson, 2019). In this context, the working schedule will define working rules and responsibilities for each work to avoid misunderstanding and coalition when screening job applicants. Improvising working schedules will enhance employees’ job satisfaction and willingness to work in the organization to ensure better performance and profitability through selecting qualified personnel.
Transformational leadership is necessary for the recruitment agency as managers can minimize interpersonal and work-related conflicts. Since the employees in recruitment have low morale, pointing out a lack of job satisfaction can easily result in conflict. Managers can use transformational skills to understand the causes of undesirable behaviors and practices (Khan et al., 2020). Once they identify the forces of deleterious conduct between employees, managers can address them through mediation to enhance teamwork when recruiting new personnel.
Recommendations for Change Initiative
It is necessary to build teamwork relationships. Establishing a team when executing organizatio...
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