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Product Form Vs Functionality

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Sources must be cited in APA format. 4 double spaced pages.

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Part A: With Products, Is It Form or Function?

The "form versus function"debate applies in many areas, including marketing. Some marketers believe that product performance is the end all and be all. Other marketrs maintain that the looks, feel and other design elements of products are what really make the difference.

Take a position: Product functionality is the key to brand success versus product design is the key to brand success

Part B: Is the right price a fair price?

Prices are often set to satisfy demand or to reflect the premium that consumers are willing to pay for a product or service. Some critics shuder, however at the thought of $2 bottles of water, $150 running shoes and $500 concert tickets

Take a position; should reflect the value that consumers are willing to pay versus prices should primarily just reflect the cost involved in making a product or service

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Product Form Vs Functionality
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Part A
In the business world, a controversial debate has existed for a long about what makes a business successful between a product’s design and its feature (Functionality). Both aspects are equally crucial as customers identify with a particular brand for its form and the beauty a product presents. This means consumers notice a brand based on its design elements. However, the design would not mean anything if the product could not perform the essential functions of a standard product. Thus, the product’s design and features are crucial to a successful business. However, this assignment requires me to pick a side. Therefore, I will argue that a product’s functionality overpowers its design and form.
Product form is a product's beauty and aesthetic features that make it distinct from its competitors. In contrast, product functionality is the ability of a product to perform essential characteristics according to customers' needs and desires. Product functionality aids marketers in determining elements of a product that will enable it to perform its characteristic effectively. Notably, consumers purchase products that fulfill their immediate needs and requirement. Therefore, a product is said to be successful if it meets the market segment's needs. For instance, a customer might purchase a good-looking USB stick, but if it fails to function or its functionality is slow, it will be disposed of and repurchased to fulfill the customer's need.
Even though we live in a society obsessed with visual design, other customers focus on its functionality while selecting a brand. For instance, Apple is associated with designing prestigious products such as iPhones, iPods, and MacBook computers. It commands a cult following that believes in its aesthetic designs, is willing for its prestige look, and attracts premium pricing. Also, Steve Jobs once stated they create attractive designs that make them unique and user-friendly with excellent cameras, memories, and processing power. However, other customers believe in pure functionality and settle for other android products such as Samsung or Sony. Therefore, Apple broke the market even with its product design for iPhones rather than laptops.
The same company, Apple, also makes laptops but does not sell them as its iPhone. Apple’s MacBook had limited access to the essential elements of a computer even though it had an appealing look and easier-to-use keyboard than the HP laptop. Hewlett-Packard Company (HP Company) is an American-based manufacturer of computer software and computers. Also, it is the second largest supplier of Personal computers whose applications are easy to install and use. Many people prefer HP computers over Apple’s MacBook compared to the revenue generated. This means that even though Apple designs easier-to-use Mac computers, customers prefer a relatively cheaper computer that is functional and not its form.
However, some products do not require functionality to be effective. For instance, when a girl is looking for a prom dress, they will go for the most appealing, which will serve the event's desired goal. Thus, a company needs to invest in a particular product's beauty and aesthetic features to make them marketable and ad...
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