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Data Analytics and Its Impact on Business and Human Resource Departments

Essay Instructions:

identify a subject you want to expand your knowledge in. Answer the following questions:

1. How can this technology impact a business?

2.) How can this technology impact HR?

3.) Do you see this technology being useful in 5 years?

4.) What recommendations do you have for implementing this technology in a business?

Acceptable topics:


Data Analytics

HR (including recruiting, Employee Outreach, PR)

Social Media Platforms

The document should be in the following format. Page one is the executive summary, the 4 pages should cover the policy and the last page should be citations for a total of six (6) pages.

Double spaced, using 12 point font, Times New Roman.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Study: Sampling Questions
Your Name
Department of ABC, University – Whitewater
ABC 101: Course Name
Professor (or Dr.) Firstname Lastname

Executive Summary
Technological advancement has a significant impact on business operations and performance. Businesses that adopt newer technologies are more likely to survive the increasingly competitive business environment. Data analytics is among the technologies transforming business across all organizational departments. In this view, the current paper focuses on implementing data analytics in managing human resources.
Data analytics impacts businesses by enhancing decision-making processes, providing information on consumer behavior, identifying bottlenecks in internal processes, and understanding the market environment. Using the technology, businesses implement more targeted marketing, personalize customer products, enhance customer experience, and hasten decision-making processes. Within HR departments, data analytics helps human resource managers to scout, recruit, and motivate employees while assessing their performance against existing benchmarks and organizational goals and objectives. By supporting informed decisions, data analytics helps to save funds that would otherwise go to recruitment and training of employees because of factors like low retention rate.
Given the importance of data analytics, major business organizations are leading the world in adopting and integrating data analytics. However, small businesses are also adopting technology with the advancement of knowledge, technology, and the development of analytics professionals. The next five years will see more businesses invest in technology to sustain competitiveness. This means increased investment in analytics hardware, software, and professionals.
Critical recommendations for implementing data analytics include the assessment of organizational readiness. This includes budget, business goals and objectives, analytics strategy, and current organizational strategy. Under analytics strategy, key areas considered include data, data sources, data collection methods, approaches to processing, types of professionals, and the goals & objectives of implementing analytics.

Data Analytics and its Future Impact on Business and Human Resource Departments
Data Analytics is among the most recent technological developments that significantly impact business operations. According to Shabbir and Gardezi (2020), data analytics refers to data collection, organization, and processing to inform decisions, make predictions, and draw valuable conclusions. Thus, data analytics encompasses computer technology, data collection & processing techniques, data, and people or professionals. Data analytics has an influential impact on business operations & processes, and activities in HR departments, and with growing demand in the next five years.
Impact of Data Analytics on a Business
Today, significant businesses combine traditional analytics techniques with data analytics to provide deeper insights that help run the business more efficiently. They rely on these techniques to identify problems within and without the organization, optimize internal processes, predict future market trends, and organize the distribution of employees and experts across a financial year. For instance, where the company feels low customer satisfaction, data analytics helps by providing information that either supports or rebukes such observations. Furthermore, when a business grapples to understand current trends in consumer behavior and future changes in this behavior, data analytics becomes valuable because it provides trends that can inform the business decision going forward. Regarding internal processes, technology is vital in identifying problematic areas and providing a basis for sustainable solutions.
In other words, significant businesses are increasingly adopting data analytics because it accelerates informed decision-making, enhances customer experience & satisfaction, allows businesses to understand the market, and thus, provides a competitive edge in a competitive environment. At Netflix, for instance, data analytics is used to understand the behavior of movie enthusiasts by collecting, processing, and using their online behavior. This results in an algorithm that provides recommendations so customers can easily find something to watch. Similarly, eCommerce platforms like Amazon rely on data analytics to establish consumers' wants. As a result, Amazon uses this information to either bring the desired goods closer to a market base or provide online recommendations. In the end, data analytics helps both companies understand their customers and enhance their experience.
The adoption of data analytics by leading businesses is evidence that the technology significantly impacts business, particularly positively. Through technology, businesses can better understand customers and their motivations. From this perspective, the technology has allowed these businesses to pursue more targeted marketing, develop proactive customer care, person...
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