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Pest Analysis of McDonald’s Political Factors

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Pest Analysis of McDonald’s
Pest analysis is a simple assessment or rather analysis tool that keeps tabs on political, economic, technological and social-cultural changes in the business environment. It helps the organization to plan for changes and also take advantage of opportunities strategically. Organizations use pest analysis to interpret the bigger picture. PEST Analysis is also known as PESTLE analysis (political, economic, social-cultural, technological, and legal and environment). MacDonald’s is one of the most interesting food joints in the world. Unfortunately, it has been shunned by people due to the desire for higher hygiene standards. The following are the key, political and economic, social-cultural, technological, legal and environmental factors that affect MacDonald’s current and future success
Political Factors
This is how the government affects and cause changes to the economy. Political factors include government policies, political calmness or stability, policies on foreign policies on trade, tax policy, labor law, restrictions on trade and environmental laws. This will affect how MacDonald ’s does business because they must comply with all these factors in all the countries they are situated. It must be noted that these policies and laws differ since every country has their own set of policies. Like other local restaurants, MacDonald ’s should also go in line with food and health regulations. Therefore MacDonald ’s must abide by a certain degree of hygiene, or close up shop.
Their employees must also comply with all that is required of them by the host countries rules and regulations. Fast food organization is facing government pressure since fast food meals cause diseases like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and stroke. Fast food products and meals have high sugar contents which cause the majority of the diseases listed above. MacDonald ’s should adapt to other healthier additions to promote healthy feeding habits to their customers for example; the addition of proteins in smoothies. In addition to that MacDonald’s should maintain acceptable sugar levels in their products to avoid adverse conditions to their customers. MacDonald ’s should be informed property rights and the cultures of the host countries. These cultures include corruption or organized crime. The organization needs to be in sync with the political conditions to avoid restrictions and government bans.
Economic factors
The first thing MacDonald ’s should consider is t...
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