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Refugee Crisis in Honduras. Management Essay Research Paper

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Refugee Crisis in Honduras
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Refugee Crisis in Honduras
Honduras is among the Central American countries facing widespread gang violence. The violence has caused internal displacement with some of the victims opting to leave the country altogether. The in the past one year refugees have been leaving Honduras headed for United in groups also referred to as caravans. The largest so far was the caravan the left in October 2018 and had grown to over 7,000 people by the time they crossed into Mexico. The county is facing challenges in taking up the number of deportees from the United States due to Trump’s zero-tolerance immigration policies, the number increasing by 55% in the first six months of 2018 as compared to the year before. Governments in Central America do very little to help those whose lives depend on protection from the authorities and often defend themselves by arguing that there do not have enough resources necessary to tackle the overwhelming crisis. This is despite the U.S and European Union setting up millions of funds for the Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to stop the violence and stop their citizens from trying to reach the U.S.
The first alternative to solving the problem is for the Honduras government to accept that internal displacement is a significant problem and work to adopt new legislation in stopping and avoiding internal displacement, protecting and assisting IDPs. It should start by eliminating all the barriers to accessing protection by ensuring an increased global recognition of violence and persecution as the man causes of displacement in the Northern Triangle of Central America (NTCA). The governments in these regions give misleading information about the reason why people are moving away from these countries: they claim the 90-95% left for economic reasons while a mere 5% leave for security reasons. However, the research by U.N. agencies estimates 40-60% of mostly young adults leave for security reasons.
There is a continuous improvement to access to data. Although initial surveys that were conducted in Honduras only covered 20 of the 290 municipalities, efforts are being...
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