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Explain a news report on a crisis. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Locate and explain a news report on a crisis. Address the following in your response:

The introduction should engage the reader in the crisis and clearly present a summary of the main points.

What were the fundamental stages of the crisis?

What happened during the crisis?

What effective communication plans were implemented in this crisis?

Research sources to support your ideas. in APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

News Report on a Crisis
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According to research, scientists have found out cancer to be one of the leading killer diseases in the world today. The main challenge facing medical practitioners is that the killer disease is claiming many lives each year. Also, it is not easily identified in its early stages unless one visits a clinic for screening. Different types of cancer have different intensity depending on the affected part of the body. Vidushi Kumar, the communications director in the American Institute for Cancer Research, gave a news report on cancer crisis. He reported to the American Institute for Cancer Research on November 7, 2018. The report highlighted the various diseases affecting people today and majored on cancer, which claims the lives of many people in the United States each year. The news report discussed the various issues about cancer, the people who are at high risk of getting the disease, the various stages and ways in which the disease can be treated and controlled, the risk factors associated with the disease and the effective communication plans to curb the cancer crisis.
The American Institute for Cancer Research presented a report on the cancer crisis and highlighted some of the risk factors of the disease. Some of the leading risk factors, according to the report were overweight and obesity. The two were said to cause at least twelve different types of cancer. Surprisingly, over 70% of the Americans were found to be either overweight or obese, something which puts them to higher risks of getting cancer disease. While the normal body mass index (BMI) ranges between18-24, most Americans were found to have a BMI of over 30 which is obese. Also, obese people with a BMI of over 25 were found to be at high risk of liver cancer (Tran et al., 2014). While overweight and obesity were found to be some of the leading causes of cancer, having overtaken smoking, the American Institute for Cancer research discussed the lifestyle factors that are highly associated to weight gains, obesity and overweight.
The report presented evidence that physical activities such as walking, riding, running, eating fiber-rich foods, fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of weight gain, obesity, and overweight. Conversely, according to the news report, sugar-rich foods and drinks, protein-rich diets and eating chunky foods are the leading causes of obesity and overweight which increase the risk of cancer. The report argued that “dead foods” such as meat should be highly avoided and if taken, it should be in a frequency of four days or more. The report cited such foods to be taking much time during digestion, which continuous consumption of the foods leads to intestinal blockage. As a result, the intestines fail to work effectively and transport waste food in the respiratory organs. The continued accumulation of these foods in the intestines converts them into being toxic, encouraging the cancer disease.
The research director, Dr. Nigel Brockton according to the research said that the outcomes of the report had some similarities. He argued that physically active people tend to have good eating habits hence healthier lives, unlike physically inactive people who tend to take a lot of sugary foods as well as fast foods, which contain much cholesterol expo...
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