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Case Analysis Team Building Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

In a 4 page paper, you will analyze a business scenario in which you are expected to scrutinize a case study and prepare strategies and tactics that the firm should employ in the future. Your analysis will include relevant background information gathered through the case and additional research, well thought out responses to case questions, and your recommendations for the company.

Your paper should be professionally formatted and free of errors (punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, capitalization, etc.).

Select one of the attached cases and in your paper:

1. Summarize the situation (high-level overview of the key issues/situation)

2. Answer the case questions, using knowledge and details from the course, your own experiences, with support from the course textbook and outside research.

3. Offer your recommendations related to the situation, with support to justify your position.

4. A properly formatted (MLA or APA) list of resource

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Team Building
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

Team Building
Summary of the Case
Skills and experiences are very important for the growth of a business as the employees get to do what they are trained to do in perfection. However, these two are not the only requirement for the development and unleashing of a company’s potential. Jenny narrates about her journey in her new job. The company she works for has expanded to various countries in the Northwest. The employees are talented, intelligent, creative, and educated, qualities that are required for the company to grow at high rates and expand more. Unfortunately, the workers are not able to follow the trends and change where necessary. For example, the IT department is lagging as the current IT systems are not effective and up to date.
The reason why the workers are underperforming is associated with the leadership of the CIO before Jenny, Bob. Bob was not confident in questioning the performance of his juniors; he would let them be in charge with little to no supervision. Moreover, the level of cooperation during the meeting was a concern. The members are easily distracted with several cases of them checking their gadgets. Others present signs of boredom and appear to lack interest in whatever the discussions entail. The workers were territorial, they lacked teamwork, and had a negative attitude towards others, and this was slowly creeping into the customer services.
The Type of the Team
The CIO of the company has a cross-functional type of a team. The team members are selected from different fields of knowledge and come together to work towards a common goal. They are the experts from different functions from the schools of engineering and business working together in a technology company. However, the team is facing dysfunctional issues, making it evolve to be on an unteam type of the working team (Kruse, 2013). In this type, the leaders’ functions separately, but their main function is reported to the leader. They have established a little or no common perspective on the organization. Their meetings are mainly for top-down communication and status updates. The team members in this company are territorial and tend to demark divisions in the company. Additionally, they have a very little connection to one another and to the larger purpose they share. It is evident from views of one colleague who adds that there is no sharing of information by department heads making problem-solving difficult for the colleagues.
The key problem that the team has is a lack of motivation in their duties. This has deteriorated so much such that the workers have a negative attitude towards their work as well as towards others. This is seen where they depict boredom during meetings to indicate how they are not interested in the ideas passed across (Swyer, 2012). They do not appreciate any information from elsewhere and tend to believe in themselves more. Additionally, the team members are not respectful during meetings. Engaging on the phone when someone is speaking in a formal meeting not only discourages the speaker, but also, they make them feel undermined and unacknowledged.
Possibilities why the Team evolved to Low Level of Cooperation and Cohesiveness
The team could have evolved to this low level of dysfunction and cooperation because of some factors. The obvious one of these is poor leadership. Their former team leader Bob ought to have been strong to identify the objectives of the company, maintain the members’ focus and drive them towards the established goals (Dyer & Dyer 2013). Also,...
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