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Stepping Up: The Role of a CEO in Crisis Management

Essay Instructions:

You are the CEO of a major corporation whose databases were recently hacked, and sensitive customer information was stolen. The media has persistently asked you for some kind of statement regarding the situation and what the corporation is doing to protect its customers and prevent this from happening again. Would you, as the CEO, speak out about the crisis, or would you choose a frontline spokesperson to represent the corporation? Explain your choice.

Address the following questions (even if you choose yourself as CEO to make the statements):

Please begin your essay assignment with an introduction for the reader about the crisis and how best to handle the situation.

Formulate your crisis message using the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) model.

What are the essential elements of an effective spokesperson in a crisis?

What criteria are considered in selecting that particular person?

Why do you think it would be important to have a well-trained spokesperson speak for the corporation during a crisis such as this one?

Why might the media wish to speak with frontline employees during a crisis?

How would you, as CEO, correct erroneous information given out by the spokesperson?

Research sources to support your ideas. Your essay should be a minimum of two-pages in APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Stepping Up: The Role of a CEO in Crisis Management
Stepping Up: The Role of a CEO in Crisis Management
Corporate crises, like any other type of crisis, make trending news stories. Publication of the same, may mean two things: it can be advantageous to the company or it can be prejudicial. Veritably, every corporation is susceptible and unsafe to any unplanned impasse, contingency or crisis. One falls move, it can lead to irreclaimable demise. As such, corporate leaders are very keen to examine and determine all means that would entail them to readily respond to any crisis once it erupts. This boils down to the model to be used during crisis and emergency, who can become an effective spokesperson, the actuations of media, and how will a CEO correct erroneous information.
Crisis message using the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) model
When using CERC model, common is this adage: “The right message at the right time from the right person can save lives” (Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication (CERC), 2018). This communication model, in the realm of business, can truly save not only the employment of the employees but the organization as a whole.
As such, in outlining and drafting a crisis message using the CERC model, one should bear in mind that the same must consist of the blended form of crisis and risk communication. Thenceforth, the need to incorporate the principles of effective risk communication and crisis communication on all account of the emergence and evolution of the crisis event as well as pending the cleanup and recovery stage (Reynolds and Seeger, 2005).
CERC model allegates that crisis, more often than not, develops predominantly in a calculable and foreseeable but methodical manner: “from risk, to eruption, to clean up, and recovery on into evaluation.” One of its most important aspect is CERC model is the systematic curtailment of uncertainty and irresolution. This likewise permits the advance expectancy and outlook by the crisis managers on matters relative to communication demands and problems (Reynolds and Seeger, 2005).
Who is an effective spokesperson in a crisis?
An effective spokesperson must, first and foremost, possess apt knowledge of the corporation as well as the issue concerned. Further, before dealing with any media event or interview, a plan must be well-formulated to aptly convey the message concerning the issues at hand. Above all, he or she must deliver correct corporate messages and gain the public’s trust. This can only be done by sincerely doing the right thing, setting realistic expectations, become presentable, and genuine. However, there is no one-night makeover or transformation, it takes training and practice to become one (Greene, 2018).
What criteria are considered in selecting that particular person?
In selecting a crisis manager or the spokesperson in a crisis, he or she must possess the general knowledge relative to the products or services offered by the corporation. Then and only then, can he or she be able to gauge how to respond or deal with the crisis at hand. More importantly, the spokesperson must be well-equipped with trainings and information that can be used when making effective plans and conveying genuine and responsive message.
Importance of well-trained spokesperson during a crisis
A well-trained spokesperson is more often than not viewed in the person of a CEO. More than anyone, the CEO can be recognized as a well-trained spokesperson not only because he carries a respective title but also he has the talent and the right attitude to handle the same. A we...
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