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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses: Collaboration and Focus

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Strengths and Weaknesses
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Strengths and Weaknesses
Learning about myself is an exciting experience. It takes time to learn and know how one is as well as the characteristics that set one apart. Throughout the tests, however, I got to learn about myself, and I was able to know how to get the best out of myself. Additionally, I also got to know where my limits or weaknesses are. Knowing where my weaknesses lie is indeed an important step because it helps me know where to focus my energy on. Below is an elucidation of what my strengths and weaknesses are.
First of all, I got to learn that I am willing to share my thoughts with others. This attribute works best for a person who is in a team. When a person is willing to share their ideas and thoughts with others, they make it possible for others to want to share with them as well. A team can never succeed if people refuse to share their ideas and everyone is focused solely on themselves and their wellbeing. While in a team, people have to be ready to share their thoughts and contribute accordingly. It takes courage and patience to allow oneself to listen to others and to be criticized by others as well. So, my willingness to share my thoughts with others often opens the door for people to not only share their thoughts with me but to offer their thoughts regarding what I say and contribute.
Secondly, I am also ready and willing to take charge while in a group. Often, when people are in a group, they tend to take a back seat especially when a leadership position comes up. People shy off from leadership positions and never seem ready to want to take charge. However, I am willing to take charge and time and again assume leadership or take charge albeit for moments. When these moments present themselves, and the group seems like it does not have a sense of direction, I always step up, and people appreciate when this happens. In future, this will help me work with others more successfully because it shows that I am ready to offer direction and...
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