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Managers in the 21st Century

Essay Instructions:

How might our current understanding of human performance and motivation challenge old paradigms and re-define the role that managers play in organizations? What do you believe are the top three (3) most relevant skills required by managers in the 21st century? Why do these skills matter? Can they be developed and how do they unlock high-performance?

**Any use of AI must be critically analyzed by you. Note that your grade will be based on the original content you develop (not AI).

**Length: 1250 words (+/- 10%)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Globalization and technological advancement have continued revolutionizing global society in unprecedented ways. Companies and organizations have not been left out, as the workplace has evolved significantly. A new generation of employees within the workplace comes with a new set of thinking compared to the old generation. Technology is also there, meaning things must be done differently than in the past centuries. Managers are now faced with many issues that they need to rethink and rebrand their leadership styles to embrace the current century's progressive and dynamic nature of organizations. There are specific skills that managers need to have for them to be relevant and also for them to generate motivation for their staff.
How our current understanding of human performance and motivation challenges old paradigms and redefines managers' role in organizations.
The current understanding of human performance is based mainly on productivity and results. Therefore, today's young generation is relatively straightforward and focused on what they give the company. They need to focus more on their dress codes and appearance. There is, therefore, a sudden realization that the main focus for these organizations is what motivates the employees (Vo et al., 2022). If an employee works best in their simplistic or personal appearance, then so be it, as long as they do not go against the organization’s professional codes. Employees are no longer automatons with press-button reactions; they are humans with inherent sources of motivation that do not violate the organization's rules.
It is essential to understand what motivates each employee within the workplace rather than thinking that one blanket approach works for them all. This is a clear paradigm shift from the old approach, where employees were expected to perform at the workplace and dress in a certain way (Yang, 2020). Consequently, this redefines the role managers play in organizations. They are expected to be transformative and flexible enough rather than dictatorial and rigid, as in the past. They are now expected to harness the most out of their staff without necessarily having to infringe on their privacy.
The top three (3) most relevant skills managers require in the 21st century, why they matter, and their link to unlocking high performance.
While managers expect specific skills from their employees, they are also subject to certain essential qualities in the 21st-century workplace. The three most important skills they need to be relevant are; communication and interpersonal, strategic, and ethical skills.
* Communication and Interpersonal skills
Communication and interpersonal are often used in tandem since they are complementary. Communication and interpersonal skills help managers to relate to the staff. This is through engaging them and knowing what exactly ails or motivates them. The manager can know each employee in person and therefore engage them on a personal level. Employees are equally free to open up to such managers since they see them as approachable and understanding. Through interpersonal skills, the manager also makes it easy for employees to correct them on specific issues they want (Greer, 2021). This is a paradigm shift from the old perception of managers as larger than life, unapproachable, and ever-right. Additionally, it is through proper communication and interpersonal skills that a manager can communicate the organization's vision and goals in a manner that will instill commitment in the staff.
The organization's goals are one thing; communicating it to instill a sense of belief is another. With the current information age, the 21st-century manager needs to harness these skills to reach out to the outside as well. Being the image of the organization, a manager who masters communication and interpersonal skills sells the organization to the outside (Vasanthakumari, 2019). Even though there is much online communication in the current workplace, the manager needs to try and exercise interpersonal skills since that will win the employees' trust and, in turn, be important seeds in building teamwork. Managers need to know how to appreciate employees, resolve disputes amicably, and listen to them.
* Strategic skills
Strategic skills a...
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