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Leaders and Leadership: Concrete Experience and Observation

Essay Instructions:

Case Assignment
Once again, we will be considering an experience which has personal significance for you as a means of understanding the material from this module. For this Case Assignment, think about a situation involving leadership that made a strong impression on you. Please structure your essay in the following format, using the subtopics as headings. Your paper should be 4–6 pages, plus a title page and a references page.
Introduction: Discuss the topic of the paper and how you will approach it. It is best to write this section after you have written the rest of the paper.
Concrete Experience: Objectively describe the leadership experience. It could be a situation where you were in a leadership position, or one in which you were working under someone else as leader. The situation could have been a good experience or a failure in leadership. The important consideration is that it is a situation which you would like to understand better. In this section, strive to be objective and stick to the facts—who, what, where, when, and how.
Reflective Observation: Step back and consider the situation from different points of view. How did you feel—what were your thoughts at the time? It is also critical to consider the experience of others involved. How do you think they were feeling? Did they see things the same way you did? The key to this section of your paper is to understand the experience not only from your own perspective, but also to develop the ability to be able to look at the situation through others’ eyes. Use these different perceptions to add depth and meaning to your objective description.
Abstract Conceptualization: There are many readings and other materials explaining various models of leadership in the background section of this module. Use at least three of them to help explain the behavior of the leader and the followers in this incident. How do the models of leadership and power presented in the background material help you understand your behavior as well as how others reacted (commitment, compliance, or resistance?) Use proper citations and referencing when referring to any material from the background pages or any additional outside research. (Outside research not required, but you may supplement the background material if you choose. It should not replace the background readings and videos, but acts as an additional source.)
(Remember: The abstract conceptualization section is the “heart” of your paper. Your ability to clearly and logically apply concepts of leadership to explain your own experience is essential to demonstrating critical thinking.)
Active Experimentation: What have you learned about effective leadership from this exercise? What have you learned about how the leadership style influences follower’s reactions and motivation? What actions would you take to revise or improve upon your own leadership style and practices to be more effective in the future?
Conclusion: Sum up the main points of your analysis and the key learning you are taking from it.
Reference List: List all references that you have cited in the paper using APA formatting. References include materials from the required background readings as well as any outside internet or library sources you used in researching and writing your paper. If you have APA questions, refer to the optional listings on the background page.
Experience: (positive)
When I worked as a waitress on a Pizza restaurant (Faccio Pizza), when the rushed hour would hit, the supervisor will always get into the kitchen to help out the chefs. Sometimes when the waitress was busy, he would served and even take the order on the phone or the table. He wasn’t on his office all day just doing the paper/documentation portion. He will actually help everyone even though it was not his responsibility. I learned from him, that no matter what your duty title is, a good leader doesn’t only order/boss you around, he helps and leads you to complete the task.
Readings: Use at least 3 of any of this Reading Reference Required
1- Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision-making Model of Leadership (2013). Leadership-central. Retrieved from http://www(dot)leadership-central(dot)com/Vroom-Yetton-Jago-decision-making-model-of-leadership.html#axzz3OjpF9lI8
2-Martin, R. (2012) "PathGoal Theory of Leadership." Encyclopedia of Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. Ed. John M. Levine and Michael A. Hogg. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2009. 636-37. SAGE Reference Online . Web. 30 Jan. 2012. Retrieved April 2017 from https://studysites(dot)uk(dot)sagepub(dot)com/northouse6e/study/materials/reference/reference7.2.pdf
3- Fiedler’s Contingency Theory (2016). Leadership-central. Retrieved from http://www(dot)leadership-central(dot)com/fiedler%27s-contingency-theory.html#axzz3OemkTtoM
4-TED (2010) Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. Retrieved from https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leaders and Leadership
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Professor' Name
Leadership has always been an important topic since the beginning of time. At any given time, some leadership has to take place for things to continue running smoothly. The kind of leadership extended by a leader may either make the followers motivated or demotivated. To investigate the important role that leadership plays in influencing the followers, this paper will focus on providing a personal experience with leadership. The paper will further analyze this experience and provide the key lessons that were derived from it. The paper will also attempt to carry out abstract conceptualization and active experimentation of the experience with the aim of deriving key lessons.
Concrete Experience
A while ago, I was working as a waitress at a Pizza restaurant. The specific business that I was working with was the Faccio Pizza restaurant. During my tenure of work, I had a rather unique and memorable experience with the supervisor. Though not part of his duties, there are times that the supervisor would help with the serving and even taking orders from customers. The supervisor would mainly do so during the rush hour. At this time, there would be relatively more customers than ordinary times, which would overwhelm the chefs and the waitresses. To help with the situation, the supervisor would sometimes go to the kitchen and help the chefs with the preparation of the orders. Other times, if the waitresses are busy, he would help in serving the customers. In addition to these unique traits, the supervisor would also take orders from customers. He would either take the orders on the table or phone. While his job description entailed spending time in the office and doing the paperwork, he went out of his way to help his employees when they needed that help the most.
Reflective Observation
At the time, I was amazed and perplexed at the same time. There is a way in which my mind was wired on what to expect from a boss. Therefore, on the one hand, I was perplexed to see a leader who leads by example instead of issuing orders. On the other hand, I was amazed that the leader thought of what the employees were going through and thought of helping them. Ideally, one would expect a boss to push the employees off-limits by overworking them if need be. However, this situation was different. I saw a leader who had some human connection with his employees and understood that they would appreciate his help during the rush hour. I could tell that my fellow employees were very happy about the help received from the supervisor. Most of them received the gesture warmly, and from their conversations, one could not help but notice that they were eternally grateful for the help that the supervisor extended. When interacting with one of the chefs, he admitted to me that the help received from the boss during the rush hour helps in the timely preparation of pizzas, and without the help, it would be almost impossible to handle the pressure. Consequently, it is true to conclude that the employees saw things the same way that I did.
Abstract Conceptualization
The leader plays a vital role in the success or failure of a business. In the contemporary world, ...
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