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Reviewing Human Resources Policies of the Ritz Carlton Hotel

Essay Instructions:

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is review Human Resources policies and procedures within the company you are conducting your internship.

 Skills: As a result of completing this assignment you will apply concepts learned in HMD 259, review the specifics of a manager’s job description, and gain interviewing skills and practice written professional letter writing.

 Knowledge: This assignment will allow you to discuss many HR issues managers deal with on a daily basis..

Task: To complete this assignment:

Select a manager who directly supervises you or one that you have observed managing employees where you are interning and interview them for this assignment. Students who have not covered this material in any of their classes to date will need to do independent research to support your discussion of these topics.

Meet with the management level employee and discuss following areas:

1. Manager’s job description

2. Department/company’s organizational chart

3. Scheduling Policies and Procedures Interview and observe a manager while they are preparing an employee schedule. Discuss how the following influence the employee schedule?

A. Union Contracts


C. Vacation

D. Requested days off

E. Others

4. Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Procedures Explain the procedure for hiring employees. Discuss the following:

A. How are the openings advertised?

B. Explained the interviews procedure

C. How are the interviews conducted

D. Which company forms are completed upon hiring

5. Training Procedures Explain the procedure for training employees. Discuss the following:

A. Is it formal or informal?

B. Who is responsible on training hourly employees?

C. How long is the training for?

6. Discipline Procedures Explain how employees are disciplining

A. Is there a union contract? If so, explain the discipline procedures

B. How is discipline administered?

C. How are employees terminated?

 Report your discussion findings in a paper.

 This assignment may require you to interview more than one manager. Be sure to include the manager’s name, title, and contact information within the assignment.  Include references to your human resources course, an HR textbook, websites and/or journal articles.

 Write a “thank-you” letter to the manager(s) for the time they took for the interview. This must be a professional letter, either typed in hard copy or emailed. Include this letter as part of the submission for this assignment.

Criteria for Success: A successful assignment will have the following characteristics:

 A well-formatted assignment meets the following requirements:

o Double-spaced using 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper

o Three pages (1500-2000 words) minimum – you can always write more

o 1-inch margins on the top, bottom, left, and right

o 12-point font (Arial or Times Roman)

o Headings and, if appropriate, sub-headings used to help organize paper (Use the numbers provided above for your section headings..)

o Citations for any ideas not the student’s own are fully and accurately cited so a third party can easily find the original source (APA format).

o Use in text citations and submit a reference list.

o Professional language used in the assignment write up and the thank you letter.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Resource
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Professor’s Name.
Due Date
Manager’s Job Description
The club lounge manager at Ritiz Carlton Hotel has several roles. His main job description is to supervise all activities in the lounge and make sure that all aspects of the club are running well. He ensures that all employees are contented and comfortable with work to receive quality services. He can network and build professional and solid relationships with customers. He is indeed very suited for his work.
Department’s Organizational Chart
The manager's position is in the food and beverage department. Other food and beverage department managers include the restaurant managers, the room service manager, the banquet manager, and the executive chef. The employees under the club lounge manager include the waiters and waitresses, chefs, cleaners, and entertainers.
Scheduling Policies and Procedures
The club lounge manager is actively involved in developing rules and policies for the department and formulating procedures. Union contracts influence the employee schedule by maintaining and improving the working terms and conditions through collective bargaining with employers. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) influences the employee schedule by protecting the employee's duties, schedules, and work location. The law prohibits changes such as changing the essential job functions. Vacations and requested days off influence employee schedules by helping them to reduce stress, prevent burnout, and facilitate a balance between work and family/life obligations.
Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Procedures
Before employees are hired into the department, a rigorous advertisement and interview process is done. Job openings are advertised through the media. Application is made online, after which successful applicants are invited for an interview process at the hotel. Interviews are conducted through manual-paper examination and verbal expressions. All the applicants are ...
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