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Significance of Teamwork and Collaboration

Essay Instructions:

Watch the following three videos on teamwork from the topic Resources folder:
“Why Is Teamwork Important in Healthcare?”
“TeamSTEPPS: Leadership in Office-Based Care”
“Bad Teamwork & Collaboration”
In a 750-1,000-word essay complete the following:
Describe the significance of teamwork and collaboration in providing cost-effective, high-quality health care specific to health informatics. Include examples.
Based on videos that you watched, what characteristics and behaviors utilize the team’s creativity and diversity in enhancing the team’s effectiveness. What additional characteristics and behaviors would you have implemented as the team’s leader?
Based on the videos, what characteristics and behaviors were ineffective or decreased team engagement and collaboration?
Develop communication and collaboration techniques to enhance engagement and collaboration as an active participant in a team environment.
Identify tools that could be used to measure satisfaction and engagement of a team.
Use two-three scholarly resources to support your case study.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership in Healthcare
Due Date
Leadership in Healthcare
Leadership is crucial in every area of life, regardless of one’s field or profession. It has the power to guarantee success or failure in an organization. As a leader in the healthcare sector, one must understand the people they are leading and the diverse skills that they all bring. In a field like healthcare, collaboration is a crucial factor that directly impacts success or lack thereof. It combines the expertise of physicians, nurses, and data analysts to help develop or build successful teams. However, collaboration is non-existent without cultivating teamwork among the members of a healthcare organization and working on communication. Provided herein is a discussion that teamwork and communication are foundational or serve as the building blocks to collaboration in the healthcare sector.
Significance of Teamwork and Collaboration
Teamwork and collaboration in whichever aspect of healthcare are crucial. The first importance of teamwork and collaboration is accountability. Accountability entails the aspect of professionals having expectations of quality on each other, speaking out the same, and holding their team members to high standards of care delivery. Kholed et al. (2017) agree that accountability is a crucial aspect of collaborative practice. Accountability traverses all aspects of healthcare, including health informatics, and helps ensure that high-quality healthcare is provided at all times. For example, if data analytics are needed on a particular condition, physicians and nurses could hold the IT specialists accountable and thus influence production.
Teamwork and collaboration also help to prevent errors. Too many people in a project can become a distraction. However, when the team members are well-coordinated, the chances are high that there will be fewer errors. Provision of care entails the coordinated efforts of a multidisciplinary group of personnel, including IT professionals. Fewer healthcare errors mean fewer readmissions, and the chances of early detection of diseases increase. In the end, quality care is provided to patients as hospitals are spared the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) penalty, which stood at $528 million in 2017 (Zheng, Hanchate, and Shwartz, 2019).
Also, there is the aspect of hospitals being able to protect and ensure the safety of their patient’s data. Health informatics is all-inclusive, which means that it also entails the safety of patients’ data. Data breaches of any kind are detrimental to the delivery of care. They can cripple healthcare systems and deem care provision null and void. These breaches are also costly, and the Department of Health and Human Services (2019) estimated data breaches to cost about $8 million per breach or approximately $400 for every exposed patient record. Without a collaborative team effort with members who are completely sold to the principles of authorization and authentication, data breaches can become quite common in a healthcare organization. Safety and security are determined or established by the efforts of all the medical personnel.
Characteristics and Behaviors that Utilize a Team’s Creativity
Open communication is a crucial attribute that helps utilize the team’s creativity and enhance their effectiveness. In the video titled TeamSTEPPS: Leadership in Office-Based Care, open communication made the team better. The members were able to coordinate care, practice with honesty, and attend to all the patients. Furthermore, it made it possible for the members to contribute ideas to enhance their practice if another of their members was absent.
The maximization of every member’s strengths is another attribute evident in helping the members utilize their creativity and become more effective. The members were complementary to each other’s efforts and were quick to recognize outstanding efforts. Also, the leader was cognizant of their efforts, which made it possible for everyone to maximize their strengths. Adapting to the changes was fast because everyone did what they did best, which enhanced the team’s effectiveness.
Honesty is also another attribute and behavior that I believe aided in the team’s creativity and effectiveness. The members were well aware of the challenge ahead and made it a point to speak to their patients and inform them of the same. The honest...
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