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Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies Role Under DHS Essay

Essay Instructions:

Unit V Essay

Refer to pages 139-144 in the textbook. Since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack, the role and responsibilities of law enforcement and intelligence agencies changed when they became members of the homeland security enterprise.

Conduct research in the CSU Online Library or locate other reliable resources connected with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security about a state or local law enforcement or intelligence agency, and address the following issues:

Identify the agency/department. " Missouri"

Describe the mission and duties of the agency/department.

Analyze how the expanded efforts of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security enhanced the ability of local, state, and federal levels of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to protect and guard the country against a terrorist attack.

Provide an example to support your position.

The essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, and it should contain a title page and reference page. The title and reference pages do not count toward meeting the minimum page requirement.

Format the paper using APA style. Write the essay in a formal writing style rather than a conversational writing style. Include two scholarly references, one of which can be the textbook. At least one source should be from the CSU Online Library since it is a valuable resource for homeland security information.

Course Textbook(s)

Martin, G. (2016). Understanding homeland security (2nd ed.) [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Role of Law enforcement under DHS
Name of Student
Institution of Affiliation
The Missouri office of Homeland Security was instituted on September 26, 2001. This made the state of Missouri the first in the country to create the office of Homeland Security following the September 11 terrorist attacks. The mission of the Missouri Police department reads:
“To provide a safe and secure environment for all individuals through efficient and effective law enforcement, national defense, disaster preparedness, service to veterans and education.”  
Like every other state department of homeland security and the nation at large, the DHS Missouri has responsibility towards border, port, maritime, and aviation security and also counterterrorism among others. This unit also must ensure the protection of critical infrastructure, detection of chemical, biological, and nuclear threats challenging them, response to disasters, and cyber-security (Department of Homeland Security, 2019).
Before the September 11 terrorist attack, the nation’s domestic security sector was decentralized under the nonfederal level. The independence of the security environment made it complicated to coordinate activities and purpose towards defending the homeland. The attacks on the World Trade Centre brought about a jointly motivated goal to reconfigure and reorder the internal security environment. The implementation of homeland security was then devolved in all levels of government in a nationwide initiative. Local authorities and state agencies led to partake in the efforts of securing the homeland. As a result, the Federal government’s involvement of the state and local agencies has allowed them to combat insecurity and terror menaces.
To begin with, the state and local governments in collaboration with the homeland security task force have committed to respond to terrorist threats together. This collaboration intensifies the nation's ability to combat concerns of domestic security. However much the US Department of Homeland Security directs the coordination of domestic security policy, homeland security operations are neither restricted to them nor the national government. The department of homeland security...
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