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Real World Assignment: Social Cognitive Theory

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* Explain the cause
One of the major problems that I am working on is poor self-esteem. According to the Social Cognitive Theory, there are many reasons why my problem is occurring and why it keeps occurring. One of the major reasons is that humans beings are driven by external factors. According to the Social Cognitive Theory, human interactions can be explained through the use of behavior, personal, and environmental factors, which shape their traits (Beauchamp et al., 2019). The environmental factors act as representations of the situational influences in the life of an individual, upon which the behavior of individuals is formed. Personal factors such as instincts, drives, traits, among other individual motivational forces help in either enhancing or lowering my self-esteem. My inability to understand some concepts or face some challenges increases my chances of having low self-esteem, which, therefore, have negative impacts on my human learning and behavior change processes. The Social Cognitive Theory, states that the problem keeps occurring because of self-efficacy, which is the ability to execute a certain behavior, leading to the attainment of a certain level of success (Bandura, 1991). I usually face the challenge of believing in myself, when I am supposed to execute certain behavior, which is a major challenge, leading to my low self-esteem. When I am faced with a small task or competition, I feel that I am inadequate and that I will not be in a position to execute the task fully and with success. I lack the necessary confidence and control over my motivation, behavior, and even the social environment, therefore, making me face the issue of low self-esteem. The issue of outcome expectation affects my self-esteem (Bandura, 2001). In most cases, I am faced with the challenge of accepting defeat, and therefore, I try to stay away from all other sources of competition, whether it is a task I am supposed to complete on my own, to through competition. I lack self-control which makes me lacks the basic confidence to face issues that affected me or the individuals around me.
There are many reasons why the issue of low-self esteem has been resistant to change. First, the low self-esteem keeps being persistent because it keeps making me hate myself and I always feel angry and frustrated when I cannot perform certain tasks (McFarlin, 1985). I always have a negative internal dialogue, where I have negative thoughts regarding what is happening, and where I cannot forgive myself, even when the slightest of mistakes happens. I always feel that I am outdated when I am around other people, especially the ones we are competing with or placed under the same task. I always have the obsession of being perfect, and not I am always in constant fear of failure, and I do not feel that my performance is quite good enough, even when I have done my best (Lane et al., 2004). I am never real with my expectations, and I tend to set goals that are not reasonable, attainable, and manageable, Sometimes I hate my body, and I feel ashamed of myself, and the way I look. I always compare myself to the other people around me, therefore, sometimes forcing me to eat a lot of food, to curb the depression that comes with low self-esteem. When place with others in a group to conduct a certain task, I feel inadequate, and that I will not bring anything of importance to the table, and I do not feel confident with my abilities. I always feel that others are better than me and I let others exploit me, for their gain. The Social Cognitive Theory is operating in my particular case of low self-esteem by showing the various ways through which I do not appreciate myself, and the process of allowing other people to control my actions, and how I feel about myself.
* Solution and Implementation plan
The Transtheoretical (Stages of Change) Model is an organizational behavioral theory that focuses on explaining the process of behavioral change (Prochaska & Velicer, 1997). The Transtheoretical (Stages of Change) Model is categorized into six major stages, which include; the pre-contemplation stage, contemplation stage, preparation stage, action stage, maintenance stage, and the termination stage (Aveyard et al., 1999). T...
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