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Major causes of project delays in Alabama Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Develop a questionnaire about 300 words, Cover letter (Maximum word count 250words)

You are conducting a research to study construction delays in the State of Alabama. The research questions are as follows:

• What are the major causes of project delays in Alabama?

• What is the impact of delays on project cost, schedule and quality?

• Who is responsible for delays (e.g. designer, engineer, contractor, etc.)?

The research scope includes all kinds of construction projects.


1. Develop a questionnaire, which can gather sufficient quantitative data to answer the research questions (40 Points).(300 words)

2. Draft a cover letter which will go with the questionnaire (10 Points). (Maximum word count:250 words)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
My name is ** and I am currently pursuing a Degree in Environmental Design at Alabama University. Part of my curriculum involves writing, presenting a research topic to solve a construction field problem. In this regard, I chose Major causes of project delays in Alabama as my topic.
Construction projects have multiple phases that require the input of clients, contractors, and the public to run through successfully. Lack of support from one department causes numerous challenges that can delay the completion of the project. Noncompliance, lack of standard procedures from the clients, and poor budget estimation from clients are the leading causes of delays in a construction project. However, poor workmanship and lack of expertise from contractors and subcontractors also cause project...
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