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Human Resourses: Workplace Diversity

Essay Instructions:

582: The Talent Pool Your Company Probably Overlooks

Robert Austin, a professor at Ivey Business School, and Gary Pisano, a professor at Harvard Business School, talk aboutthe growing number of pioneering firms that are actively identifying and hiring more employees with autism spectrumdisorder and other forms of neurodiversity. Global companies such as SAP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise are customizingtheir hiring and onboarding processes to enable highly-talented individuals, who might have eccentricities that keep themfrom passing a job interview — to succeed and deliver uncommon value. Austin and Pisano talk about the challenges, thelessons for managers and organizations, and the difference made in the lives of an underemployed population. Austin andPisano are the co-authors of the article, “Neurodiversity as a Competitive Advantage” in the May-June 2017 issue ofHarvard Business Review.

534: The Era of Agile Talent

More of us are working in organizations employing a mix of freelancers, contractors, consultants, and full- timers, explainsJonathan Younger, coauthor with Norm Smallwood of "Agile Talent: How to Source and Manage Outside Experts."

listen to two cases and analyze what the concept is, also make your own opinion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Workplace Diversity Concept

Workplace Diversity Concept
Workplace diversity is an important aspect every human resource department must consider. It is the means through which organizations acquire agile talent that can collaborate and survive through any challenges. Human resource managers prioritize diversity and inclusion in any organization to warrant success for the team and the organization in general. When an organization focuses on variety, it is doing the right thing and the business's smartest thing. Discrimination has hindered productivity because many people are denied opportunities because they cannot undergo the standard interview process. However, these individuals possess unique skills and collaborative approaches that can propel a business to high productivity.
As a hiring manager, you must be open to give chances to people with disabilities, minorities, and the disadvantaged. It helps the organization get a good social and corporate image and the unique talent that would otherwise not be discovered through the traditional hiring procedure. Many benefits can be realized through diversity. From the case we have read, we can see that people with autism and other neurodiversity disorders can still work when given a chance. The hiring process must be inclusive, offering people with perceived disability chances of entering the organization if they possess the right skills.
Through diversity, you open avenues for new perspectives in the work procedures, leading to efficiency and enhanced customer satisfaction. People with disabilities, backgrounds, and cultural identities bring in a mix of views that can benefit the business. One of the most important things is ensuring that there are incentives to manage any fo...
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