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The Critical Success Factors in HMIS Implementation

Essay Instructions:

rovide a 75-100 word response to each of the following questions in chapter 11 in the textbook: 11-1, 11-2, 11-4, 11-5, and 11-6.

You are required to use two qualified references in addition to your textbook for this assignment. A cover page is required.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.


11–1.What are some of the critical success factors in HMIS implementation?

11–2.Why is careful planning so important to HMIS implementation?

11–4.Describe some useful tools in HMIS implementation project management.

11–5.Why is end-user involvement important in HMIS implementation? How can end-users be more involved in the process?

11–6.What are the key concepts underlying IT services management? Why are these various concepts important, and how do these relate to the HMIS post-implementation stage?

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Answer 1
The critical success factors in HMIS implementation come under three characteristics: system design characteristics, organizational characteristics and user characteristics (Nieters, 1999). The system design characteristics consist of software and hardware performance levels, regular learning, decision making support, user interface and the ease of using a system. Organizational characteristics have of a hierarchy of authority, structure, and culture of the organization, support of the management, involvement, and commitment. User characteristics involve cognitive style, demographics, attitudes, personality, expectations, and situational variables.
Answer 2
Careful and wise planning is vital in HMIS implementation as it helps identify the required middleware, software, hardware. In addition, it makes proper data retribution possible, which eventually helps define the network architecture needed by an organization. In its absence, it will not be possible to question matters like emerging trends, growth factors, regulations, costs, time frame, and adaptation process. Thus, it is integral for organizations to plan things at an early stage of an HMIS system so that the desired results are obtained quickly and efficiently.
Answer 3
The two most important and useful tools in HMIS implementation project management are the Gantt chart and the Critical Path Method (CPM). A Gantt chart is a specific bar chart that will help illustrate the schedule of the project. A modern Gantt chart can be used in this regard that can show dependency relationships between current schedu...
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