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Business Information Project – MGMT 301 SP19 The Coca Cola Company

Essay Instructions:

My company is coco-cola

I upload one sample, and my work do not over 3 pages.

Your Project Deliverable: Fortune 1000 Company Report (use complete sentences throughout, not bullet points)

1. Company Information: Find out key details about your assigned company.

a. What is your assigned company's major line of business?

b. What is your assigned company's vision, mission or core values?

c. How many people does your assigned company employ? When was your assigned company founded?

d. Is your assigned company global or does it only operate in the United States? List the countries or regions your assigned company operates in.

e. Is your assigned company public or private?

f. Who is your assigned company’s current CEO? How long have they been the CEO of your assigned company?

g. Who are considered the top three competitors to your assigned company?

h. What new developments is your assigned company involved in? For example, this could include any new products or services, expansion plans or an innovation.

i. Who buys your assigned company’s products or services? Based on this, would you classify your assigned company as being B2B, B2C or a hybrid?

j. What is your assigned company’s current (2018) Fortune 1000 rank?

2. Industry Information: Research the primary industry in which your assigned company competes.

a. What is the primary industry your assigned company does business in?

b. What companies are the industry leaders?

c. What are some trends in the industry?

d. What is the projected growth for the industry? How would you describe the outlook for the industry?

e. Based on your research, what are potential opportunities for your assigned company in this industry? What are potential threats?

3. News: Track current news regarding your assigned company and/or industry.

a. Find a recent article (published in 2016–2019) about your company or industry that discusses trends, innovations or MGMT 301 class topics. Summarize the article in your own words (a few sentences).

4. Core Benefit Proposition:

a. Given your analysis, can you identify the core reason a consumer or business would give your assigned company their money instead of another company in this industry? What is your assigned company’s competitive advantage over other companies?

5. Leadership Competencies for Corporations: In this section of your paper, you will seek to understand four major leadership competencies critical to the success of any company: Environmental Sustainability, Social Impact in Communities, Diversity & Inclusion and Ethical Practices. Most large companies have an environmental & social impact report where you will find relevant information. This report will have a name such as “sustainability,” “corporate social responsibility,” “citizenship,” “social responsibility,” “responsibility,” etc. Regardless of the term used, all cover the same social and environmental topics; you may find Diversity& Inclusion and Ethical Practices on separate pages on the company website. For this section, start with Procter & Gamble’s (P&G’s) website, https://us(dot)pg(dot)com/, to compare P&G’s practices with your assigned company’s, and address the following topics. For each leadership competency, if your assigned company does not engage in or report on these activities, discuss how P&G covers the topic and how your assigned company might improve its efforts in that area.

a. Environmental Sustainability: What are some of the environmental best practice activities of P&G and your assigned company? Report on what P&G and your assigned company are doing in this space (start by considering energy, water and waste practices).

b. Social Impact in Communities: Here, you will explore and report on what P&G and your assigned company are doing to have positive impacts on the communities they work in. Do they give back (money, time, goods)? Do they support specific non-profit causes (for example, literacy among the young or giving back to help survivors of cancer)?

c. Diversity & Inclusion: What initiatives do P&G and your assigned company have to reach out to people from all backgrounds? Think recruiting, creating opportunity for groups within the company, engaging their customers or suppliers. You may find this information on a separate section of your assigned company’s website (search the company websites for “diversity”).

d. Ethical Practices: Companies have legal and moral responsibilities to all stakeholders (groups they impact, such as employees and customers). Using P&G’s and your assigned company’s websites, report on their overall approaches to ethics. Additionally, find the corporate Code of Conduct (a document that showcases the company’s values) and report on one element from the Code’s Table of Contents (search the company websites for “ethics” or “code of conduct”).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Information Project – MGMT 301 SP19
Student’s Name
The Coca Cola Company
Website Address: HYPERLINK "/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi82_vaqcLhAhVlqnEKHWZLBz4QFjAAegQIARAB&url=https%3A%2F%2F-colacompany.com%2F&usg=AOvVaw23jAysf96rtt29sMBQNfPB"
Business Information Project
1. Company Information
The Coca-Cola Company offers finished beverage products to consumers and also sells beverage concentrates to other businesses and as such, its major line of business in beverage manufacturing.
Coca-Cola’s vision is to be a great place to work where partnerships are fostered, profits are maximized and productivity is increased through the creation of quality brands. The company’s vision is to refresh the world while creating value.
The company, as of December 2018, employs 62,600 employees globally, and approximately 11,400 of these employees are in the United States.
It is a publicly traded company that was founded in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, and has since become a global company serving over 200 countries in Latin & North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and in Europe.
The company has been under the leadership of James Quincey, who has been the company’s CEO since May 2017.
Its main competitors in the industry are PepsiCo Inc., Dr. Pepper Inc., and Nestle S.A. The company recently launched the Coca-Cola Orange No Sugar drink in Australia and plans to continue with the innovation of such limited edition flavors in the future.
The Coca-Cola Company is a hybrid of both B2B and B2C because other than targeting consumer emotions while marketing their products, they also sell to other businesses.
The company was ranked at 87 in the Fortune 1000 ranking in 2018.
2. Industry Information
The Coca-Cola Company does business in the Soft drink and bottled water industry. The primary products in this industry are carbonated soft drinks, fruit juices, and bottled water. Other products include ice manufacturing and teas.
Given the types of products that make up this industry, there are many companies that operate in this industry, but Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo Inc. are the main leaders in this industry because they hold the largest market shares.
One of the most common trends in this industry is the shift towards functional beverages. In the last five years, the industry has experienced challenges which have affected the growth of the industry.
As revealed in a report by IBISWorld (2018), this global industry has experienced a decline in revenue by 3% as of 2018, which has been accompanied by a 0.1% and 1.1% decline in the number of businesses and employees respectively. This decline in revenue can be attributed to changes in health choices because consumers are concerned about the negative health impact associated with sugary products.
As such, the industry has potential opportunities in creating healthy drinks to attract those consumers that are health-sensitive. However...
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