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Galveston Hurricane of 1900: Major Historical Disaster

Essay Instructions:

Background Information

During the duration of this class, you will be conducting a case study or case analysis of a major historical disaster of your choice. You may select any disaster you wish, with two caveats: first that the disaster must be something that is new to you and that you have not analyzed previously in any other course; and that you are able to find sufficient published research information to be able to conduct a quality analysis. Please do not use this class to conduct a program or product review, or attempt to forecast and analyze a hypothetical future disaster. You will use the enclosed template to report your case analysis.

Use the attached Wk1-2 Assignment APA Template. Prepare a minimum of 1000 word document analyzing Case Study methodology from a design and use perspective.

The assignment should cover key issues identified in the week’s readings and incorporate current research on the topic. At the end of the document, provide your event of choice and describe the event using literature to support.

Remember to support your work with APA- formatted references and ensure the document complies with all APA formatting. I encourage you to also use academic, peer-reviewed resources within your assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Galveston hurricane of 1900
Your Name
EDMG 611, Case Analysis in Crisis and Disaster.
Dr. Darrell Dantzler
Galveston hurricane of 1900
Do you feel anxious when you hear of an impending disaster? If yes, you are not alone. Individuals feel threatened whenever there is a likelihood of a disaster. Various disasters, especially natural ones, have hit America. These disasters have brought the loss of life and the destruction of property. At the same time, they have also changed the way the U.S. deals with disasters. The way Americans are prepared for disasters today is due to the events that have happened over the years. This paper will focus on the Galveston hurricane of 1900. To this day, the Galveston hurricane of 1900 remains the deadliest natural disaster in American history. It will indicate the origin of the disaster, its impact on humans and the environment, and the aftermath. The conclusion will give recommendations on what must be done to prevent a similar occurrence.
Case Study Methodology
The case study’s methodology is a qualitative approach. In qualitative methodology, researchers explore a phenomenon through various data sources and explore a variety of lenses to demonstrate the various aspects of the issue. In a case study, investigators explore an issue within its naturally occurring context. The approach generates multiple “truths” from real-world settings. While the findings are related to a local setting, they can be generalized and applied to similar settings and contexts. Since this is a case study, a qualitative methodology will be critical in analyzing the phenomenon. The methodology will facilitate an analysis of the Galveston hurricane of 1900 by considering data available from various sources.
Case Study Design and Use
A case study design links the data to be collected and the conclusions to be made from the study questions. In other words, the design connects the empirical data to the initial research questions and, eventually, the conclusions. In case studies, the design consists of five components; study questions, propositions, units of analysis, logic connecting data to the propositions, and the approach for interpreting the findings (Yin, 2009). The case study design is instrumental in allowing researchers to gain concrete and in-depth knowledge of the matter. It assists in bringing understanding to a complex phenomenon.
The Event
Galveston hurricane of 1900 is believed to have originated from a tropical wave that shifted off Africa's west coast and proceeded to the Atlantic Ocean. However, this cannot be established comprehensively because of the limited observational methods at the time. On September 1, Lorenzo Gangoite, the director of the observatory in Havana, Cuba, indicated that a storm was in its formative stages (Ramos, 2014). By September 4, the Bureau’s central office in Washington D.C. sent warnings to the Weather Bureau in Galveston regarding a tropical disturbance that had shifted northward over Cuba. Washington discouraged using the terms “hurricane” or “tornado” because they did not want people to panic. The decision proved vital as people were caught unawares since they did not know that a storm of such magnitude was approaching.
At the same time, Weather Bureau director Willis Moore blocked telegraph reports from meteorologists at the Havana observatory. This is despite Havana having one of the most advanced meteorological institutions at the time. Tensions in the aftermath of the Spanish American War also contributed to the failure of the Americans to collaborate with the Cubans. More forced local Bureau offices to get authorization from the central office before giving any storm warnings. Eventually, on September 8, the storm reached Galveston. About 40,000 people inhabited the town at the time. Galveston was the largest port city in Texas and attracted economically and culturally diverse individuals. Storm tides of about 4.5m and winds at approximately 130km/h overwhelmed the low-lying city (McComb, 2021).
Impact of the Disaster
The Galveston hurricane of 1900 had adverse effects. Firstly, it led to the loss of lives. The storm flooded the city, leaving between 6000 and 8000 people dead....
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