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Management Improvement Plan for Motorola

Essay Instructions:

Rubric attached *** feel free to pick whichever company you’d like, but it has to be from the rubric ***


The final project for this course is the creation of a decision-making and principles of management paper. As you continue on your path to earn a degree in business administration, you will deepen your understanding of how effective management is a crucial aspect of overall business success, especially in today’s complex business world. As business and society continue to evolve, there will continue to be demand for managers who are able to organize their resources and strategically implement the functions of management to achieve the goals of an organization. The final paper for the course is divided into two parts: Final Project One and Final Project Two. Both parts of the assessment will focus on decision making and the fundamental principles of management. In Final Project One, you selected a successful company from the list provided in the Final Project One Document. You analyzed the company’s best practices and effective implementation of the fundamental principles of management. In Final Project Two, with the help of your instructor, you will select a struggling company from the list provided below. You will analyze the company’s ineffective implementation of the fundamental principles of management. Once you analyze the struggling company, your task will be to make recommendations for a management improvement plan explaining how the company’s management team can improve in areas such as decision making, employee performance, and sustainability.

Final Project Two consists of the selection of the struggling company (a non-graded task due in Module Five) along with one milestone, which will be submitted to scaffold learning and to ensure quality final submissions. This milestone will be submitted in Module Six. Final Project Two will be submitted in Module Eight. In Final Project Two, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:  OL-215-01: Analyze how an organization’s goals influence organizational planning that informs strategic decision making  OL-215-02: Analyze the functions of management and ethical principles for executing effective decision making in organizations  OL-215-03: Apply management techniques that ensure the continuous improvement of personnel and business processes to measure organizational performance  OL-215-04: Apply communication techniques aimed at increasing employee performance, thus achieving organizational goals and objectives  OL-215-05: Illustrate the important connection between management and organizational culture Prompt The general manager has reviewed your analysis of a successful company and was impressed with your work. As a result, you have been asked to provide recommendations for a management improvement plan for a struggling company. For the second part of the final project, you will focus on a struggling company and make your recommendations in a management improvement plan. Be sure to focus on the company at the time of their struggle. Your recommendations will show how management performance, employee perception, and organizational success intersect. You must select a company from this list of suggested companies. Resources related specifically to the struggling companies listed are provided. Toyota (specific to recalls over the last decade) 

Toyota.com  What Really Happened to Toyota?  Can Toyota Recover Its Reputation for Quality?

WorldCom  Ex-WorldCom CEO Ebbers guilty  WorldCom Accounting Scandal

Enron  Enron Case Study  Enron Scandal (4:48)

Motorola  What Happened to Motorola  10 Reasons Why Motorola Failed

Eastman Kodak  Kodak Moments Just a Memory as Company Exits Bankruptcy  Kodak CEO Talks Company’s Future  Eastman Kodak Files for Bankruptcy

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Profile of a Struggling Company a. Assess how the management planning practices interfere with or prohibit the organization’s ability to optimally function. You could consider using the fundamental principles of management in your explanation. b. Describe how the employees’ perception and organizational culture have been impacted by management’s performance. You could consider the connections between management and its impact on culture. c. Explain how communication has played a part in management’s inability to increase employee performance. You could consider the connections to specific communication barriers that exist within the organization.

II. Management Plan Recommendations: For this section of the summative assessment, you will make recommendations for the management improvement plan. a. Describe how implementing the fundamental principles of management will help to improve the management process within your company. You could consider the factors that interfere with or prohibit effectivemanagement. b. Identify how aspects of the fundamental principles of management will be implemented and communicated to all personnel within the company. You could consider thinking about this from a training standpoint. c. Describe how the application of the fundamental principles of management will lead to increased employee performance. You could consider what needs to improve the most to help increase employee performance. d. Explain how applying ethical principles to the fundamental principles of management would be sustained and monitored by the company. You could consider using the rational decision-making model to show how this process can help with ensuring long-term success. III. Conclusion: For this section of the summative assessment, you will provide a summary of your recommended changes to the management improvement plan using examples revolving around the fundamental principles of management. a. Summarize how these management changes, based on the fundamental principles of management, will help to ensure organizational success. Be sure to provide examples of how these changes will have the most direct impact.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Motorola Analysis
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Motorola Analysis
Management planning
The Motorola Company was the first organization to invent the cell phone in 1973. The company provided innovative phones during its peak period before things changed in the 20th century, where their ideas and innovations were limited. The company’s management planning has hampered the ability of the organization to function correctly. Multiple companies such as iPhone and Samsung are upgrading and innovating their cell phones, and Motorola finds it’s difficult to compete with them. While trying to catch up with the modern market, Motorola decided to cooperate with its competitors like Apple to acquire market momentum. However, the company never understood it was helping its competitors more since they took its ideas and knowledge to upgrade their products.
The Motorola Company and its management were helped and finally killed by the Razr. The Razr was a significant success, and the company stopped innovating and started advertising the product while competitors continued their innovation. The migration from 2G to 3G cost the company a huge scale of customers. When its competitors released 3G smartphones, customers ditched the Razr and acquired the 3G smartphones, and Razr significantly reduced its demand. The company was divided into two sections in 2011, Motorola Solutions and Motorola Mobility.
Employees’ Perception and Culture
Over its 90 years of operation, Motorola workers’ perception and organizational culture have experienced significant changes. The company started with an environment that drove workers towards innovation and learning from mistakes. Motorola was famous for its risk-taking culture and training and development programs investment. The company believed Motorola was perfect for inventing, innovating, and gaining respect. Employees never feared making mistakes and losing their jobs in the invention process. However, the culture changed when Robert Gavin became the CEO, who believed that competition drives intelligence. Robert formed his competition within the company due to limited competition with other cell phones company. The process created employee divisions, and bonuses were available for top performances. The organization’s culture changed to competitive but respect was maintained between different departments (Fishman, 2014). The culture was successful for a limited time due to a boom in the communication and semiconductors department. However, the management’s desire to maintain internal competition turned the work environment toxic.
The introduction of bonuses for top performances hindered communication between departments in the company. The process created separation within various departments since they could not share information. Each department concentrated on its operations to gain the top performance bonuses. Sharing information with other departments could result in losing top perf...
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