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The Future of HR: Innovation. Management Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

a. Home page describing themselves as a current or future human resource professional as well as what their career aspirations are for the future.

b. Page to describe the changing business environment and the impact of workplace trends.

c. Page to describe the changing world of human resources and how it can be best prepared for the changing business environment.

d. Page to describe the role of a human resource of the future and how the student can best prepare to fulfill that role.


The Future of HR: Innovation Career Portfolio Specifications

Students will create a webpage using Google sites to describe their career development journey as a future or current human resources professional.  

There are two versions of a tutorial for Google sites.  

Use this link to view the original quick tutorial on how to create a website using Google sites.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnwvpalIv4w

Use this link to view an newer version quick tutorial on how to create a website using Google sites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnr-_0UC50Y\

The Student Career Portfolio will define the following elements of career development:a. Home page describing current or future human resources professional experience as well as what your career aspirations are for the future.
b. Page to describe the changing business environment and impact of workplace trends.
c. Page to describe the changing world of human resources and how it can be best prepared for the changing business environment.
d. Page to describe a human resources role of the future and how the student can best prepare to fulfill that role.  

Students are encouraged to interview a senior business leader, a senior human resources leader and draw from professional experiences they have had.  

The Career Portfolio will be evaluated based on the following:
1. Functionality of the Google site created.  e.g. Site is published successfully using a variety of features available by Google.  2. Content of substance and quality on each page describing the designated topics.3. Organization of content on the website.  Content tells the story in a thoughtful, meaningful way with a good flow.  

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Future of HR: Innovation
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
The Future of HR: Innovation
Human resource management is a critical function within an organization that focuses on recruiting, managing, and providing direction to its employees. According to Johnson and Guetal (2011), human resource professionals can contribute to attaining future organizational goals. Human resource management has encountered significant changes over the years, and the next generation will expedite changes of similar magnitude. The contemporary world has become complex while everchanging megatrends shift the context of the workforce. Therefore, human resource management will realize changes in employees’ type and their goals in the workplace. Although modern technology has resulted in significant improvement in human resources management, it reduces workers’ overall number. Technology has been one of the aspects of enhancing effective human resource management through critical innovations.
In the contemporary world, globalization has resulted in a significant influence on human resource functioning execution. Johnson and Guetal (2011) postulate that the expanding scope of global competition has resulted in a continuous reassessment of ways that human resources can support the pace of business globalization. The incorporation of modern technology is one of the critical aspects of globalization. For instance, the iPhone and iPad innovation has expedited the exchange of ideas among people in different parts of the world. Therefore, technology will be a crucial determinant of future improvements in human resources management. Equally, the future of human resource management will entail hiring skilled employees to incorporate modern technology in various operations, such as keeping records. The emergence of the web has expedited the effective management of employees through portals and websites.
Human resource management plays a critical role in business operations since it involves managing people, workplace culture, and the environment. Human resource professionals play a crucial role in expediting organizational transformation based on the increased demand for globalization and technological aspects. Since millennials dominate in the workplace, they are familiar with emerging technologies (Macke & Genari, 2019). The group has a significant influence on the changing business dynamics and ways of executing business operations. Notably, workplace culture is a critical parameter in keeping the millennials from finding opportunities in other companies. Positive workplace culture can enhance innovation, collaboration, and overall success in a business. Millennials believe that work is likely to bring a sense of fulfillment and joy. Therefore, human resource executives must formulate ways of motivating them towards the attainment of set goals.
Currently, human resource managers have invented new policies and standards to retain the employees’ base. The era of annual reviews of employees’ performance has declined since most employers opt for systems that require feedback on the progress of employees. Most companies adopt modern forms of technology in conducting reviews on employees’ performance and contribution to an organization. Notably, technology has a significant impact on human resource management and all the relevant operations in an organization. For instance, most organizations have embraced artificial intelligence as a critical strategy for enhancing human resources management. As such, employees must undergo a training process after recruitment to acquire relevant skills regarding applying and using computer systems. Therefore, a well-designed website is critical in enhancing employees’ management, especially in minimizing the poorly fit employees for an organization.
Equally, most organizations utilize social media platforms, such as Monster, Zip Recruiter, and Linked, to post available job opportun...
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