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Managing People and Organization Management Essay Paper

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COURSE DESCRIPTIONS While attributes for good leaders are numerous, strategic management and people management are two key capabilities required of successful leaders. Strategic management involves provision of overall directions to organizations, specifications of organizational objectives, development of policies and plans to achieve these objectives and allocation of resources to implement the plans. To this end, it is the people in the organizations who perform. Organizations are in fact complex organisms consisting of inter-relationships and processes. Because of this complexity, it is not easy to visualize why the people in organizations are performing in particular ways. Individuals’ performance at and commitment to organizations, both in separation and in aggregate, at the end affect the readiness and effectiveness of organizations to achieve their strategic objectives. This Course is therefore aimed at outlining the journey along which business managers work from strategic analysis, strategy formulation to strategy implementation through people, both in groups or individuals, and also providing a framework to explain why and how the desirable individual outcomes (i.e. performance and commitment) are achieved through improving different organizational mechanisms, team mechanisms, individual mechanisms and individual characteristics, which in turn help the organizations achieve their strategic objectives. The students will have a better understanding of the organizations and teams they are working at and the behaviors of the people with whom they interact. They will know how the designs and operations of the organizations and the teams within as well as how the behaviors and interactions of individuals will all ultimately affect work performance and individual commitment, which are required if organizations are to achieve their strategic objectives. The trend of thought in designing this course follows that organizations develop their strategic positions and corresponding strategies and that organizational and team mechanisms and characteristics affect individuals’ deliverables which in return affect organizational capabilities to implement the desired strategies. The classes are highly interactive and intensive and students will work on both group and individual projects which require continuous self-reflection and contemplation of abstract concepts, both of which are essential to the development of higher-level management skills. Page 2 of 17 TEACHING/LEARNING APPROACH The weekly lecture will be structured to guide and promote students’ understanding of relevant concepts in strategic management and organizational behaviors. I will only highlight some of the key messages in the textbooks and the reading materials. In other words, I will not substantially repeat what is already in the textbook. To advance your knowledge, instead, I will focus more on issues, ideas, theories and latest research findings beyond the textbook, and balanced with more specific work examples. In order to understand the issues discussed in the lectures, you should study carefully the required reading materials before and even after each lecture. In addition, some activities have been designed to encourage more student interactions (nowadays interactions through online platforms are more common than ever) and more experimental learning. These activities will adopt a student-centre approach, using case analysis, in-class exercises and professional articles for discussion and team presentation. ASSESSMENT Assessment Methods Percentage (%) Details Team Assignment (Appendices I & IV) 50% Students are required to form a team of 5 - 6. Each team is required to finish a case based on a real-world company related to the topics covered. Each project will be assessed by two parts: a written report (35%) and a verbal presentation (15%) Individual Assignment (Appendices II & III) 50% Students are required to finish an individual assignment (4000 – 5000 words) based on reflection of interactions during and performance of own team projects. Page 3 of 17 READING LIST Textbooks Colquitt, J.A., LePine, J. A. & Wesson, M. J. (2018). Organizational Behavior : Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace. 7th ed. New York : McGraw Hill Publishing. Johnson, G., Scholes, K. & Whittingham, G. (2019). Exploring Corporate Strategy. 12th ed. Prentice Hall Reference Books Grant, R. M. (2013). Contemporary Strategy Analysis. 10th ed. John Wiley & Sons. Griffin, R, W., Phillips, J. M. & Gully, S. M. (2017). Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organization. 13th ed. Boston: Cengage Learning Meyer, R. & DeWitt B. (2010). Strategy: Process, Content, Context. An International Perspective. 6th ed. South Western Cengage Learning. Whetton, D. A., & Cameron, K. S. (2016). Developing Management Skills (9th ed.). NJ: Pearson Prentice- Hall. Page 4 of 17 Copyright Notice and Privacy Disclaimer All lectures and course materials of this Course, including but not limited to PowerPoint presentations, materials, texts, images, diagrams, tables, drawings, notes, video and audio recordings, syllabi, and assignments (“Course Materials”), are protected under the Copyright Ordinance (Cap. 528) of the Hong Kong SAR and similar law in force from time to time throughout the world as well as by the policy of Hong Kong Baptist University (“HKBU”). The copyright of the Course Materials and any other materials that the individual course instructors create belong to the respective individual course instructors. The Course Materials may include video or audio recordings of the classes. Students who are enrolled in this Course may be recorded during class. The recordings do not seek to collect students’ personal data but to the extent that any personal data are obtained, they shall be used in accordance with the confirmation provided when students enrolled at HKBU, “for different academic and administrative purposes which are in relation to my study at the University.” Such recordings are made for purposes of teaching and learning and may be made available to students and to staff members of HKBU strictly for such purposes. Students enrolled in this Course may take notes and make copies of the Course Materials for their own learning purposes. No one may share, reproduce, distribute or display (whether by way of posting, file-sharing, uploading, downloading or otherwise) the Course Materials or any part thereof in any other way without the explicit written consent of the course instructor. No one also may allow others to do so. Any unauthorized use of the Course Materials may result in HKBU disciplinary actions as well as criminal and civil liabilities against the students and staff members concerned

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Appendix 3
1 How much do team members interact with one another for information, materials and resources?
The interaction capacity of a team depends on the characteristics of the project. Therefore, the more a project is critical, the more team will interact. In the beginning, the interaction among my team members was very formal. However, after two meetings, our interaction became more informal and productive.
2 Do team members have a shared vision and goal?
I think a team can have shared vision and goals. However, in everyday scenarios, the vision of a team is the same, but their goals are different. Similarly, my team shared the vision to pass the course. Nevertheless, our goals were different.
3 Do team members take up different roles (e.g. Co-coordinator, Devil’s Advocate, Energizer, Harmonizer, Follower, Blocker, Dominator, etc.)?
Yes, team members in my team played different roles. Our leader was a harmonizer; some of the members were just a follower. I found myself as dominator as I like to do a thing on my own.
4 Do team members have different cognitive abilities (e.g. creativity, analytical skills, interpersonal skills, planning skills, judgment, decision-making skills, etc.)?
Yes! The team had individuals with different cognitive abilities. For example, the team leader and I shared analytical and decision-making skills. On the other hand, some of the team members were creative and came up with new ideas.
5 Do team members have different personalities (agreeable, conscientious, extraverted, helpful, etc.)?
Yes! I am an introvert whilst my team was composed of extroverts. However, all the members have helping behaviour. Different personalities allowed us to work creatively.
6 Is the team in general cohesive?
Cohesion in a team indicates the capacity to stay integrated. My team was working on a similar vision. Therefore, we all possessed coherence. However, in the beginning, we all were on different paths. Gradually, the team members tried to understand each other and develop a cohesive force.
7 Do team members try to maintain harmony by striving toward consensus on issues without ever offering, seeking, or seriously considering alternative viewpoints and perspectives?
Harmony indicates a philosophy of prosperous systems. Thus, my team members try to maintain harmony. Contrastingly, conflicts arise due to the difference in the viewpoints and perspectives of team members. Therefore, we were not able to experience stable harmony. Instead, we all strive towards consensus so that alternative opinions are entertained simultaneously.
8 How do you think of the commitment among individual team members?
Commitment indicates the quality of an individual to stay dedicated to a cause. In my team, the members have restricted freedom of action. Therefore, commitment becomes challenging for individual team members. However, the presence of commitment promoted dedication in the team. Therefore, my team practised it.
9 Is the team effective in decision making?
Not always! It is because my team comprises individuals with different opinions. What seems to be beneficial to one team member was not be same for others. Therefore, decision-making was delayed, as opinions of all the individuals were to be entertained simultaneously. Precisely, the leader managed it through rational decision making.
1 What are the common communication channels of the team? How do you think about the impact of current online communications on team effectiveness?
Common communication channel includes meetings, phone calls, conference calls, text messages, and online messaging platforms. Presently, the team coordinated through direct meeting and online messaging platforms. Online communication limits the span of control of team members. For instance, if team encounter any external or internal constraint during online contacts, their performance will become ineffective.
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