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Seize the Digital Opportunity

Essay Instructions:

This is a financial and accounting course for event management majors. The content of the homework requires finding an article within 90 days and creating it as required.

The document has a specific format and writing outline

In addition, I will also upload the syllabus

Be sure to attach the found article at the end of the file

Articles are more related to the "event" industry and finance

This is the only source you can use.

Do not use any external sources

Because the feedback you gave me the last time to write was not bad, I hope you will still write for me this time, so that the writing style and writing style can be kept uniform and will not be discovered by the teacher. Secondly, I added two more sections to the document this time The PPT of the lesson is Chapter 9 and Chapter 10.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Review
Student’s Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission
Article Review
Colston,  HYPERLINK "-mw.net/author/paulcolston/" Paul. Seize the Digital Opportunity to Lay Foundations for Golden Age of Events..  HYPERLINK "-mw.net/seize-the-digital-opportunity-to-lay-foundations-for-golden-age-of-events-says-cvent-chief/" -mw.net/seize-the-digital-opportunity-to-lay-foundations-for-golden-age-of-events-says-cvent-chief/. November 10, 2020
Article synopsis
Cvent CEO, Reggie Aggarwal is addressing events, marketing, and hospitality professionals on the need to embrace technology to lay a strong foundation for golden age events and to drive the industry to greatness and recovery by 2021. The current pandemic, COVID-19, has negatively impacted the industry-leading to cancellation of hotel bookings and events around the world; hence events industry stakeholder has been forced to go digital and conduct their activities virtually. Referring to his company as an example, Reggie said that this year's online events attendance has increased by 400% as compared to 2019 face to face events. He illustrated that they are planning to invest more in technology and to host more hybrid events in 2021.
Positive impact on the event industry
Use of technology
During the pandemic, in-person meetings and events were banned, restrictions imposed on local and international travels, and the imposition of Lockdown as a way of containing the spread of the virus. That was a massive blow to events industries whose source of revenue is events. Therefore, there was a need to adapt and embrace technology to organize and conduct events online. It led to innovation and the creation of digital solutions to facilitate virtual events. In virtual events, all attendees all over the world do not need to travel but instead, use digital tools such as Zoom to access event venues and participate. This technology, therefore, will allow events to go on as planned hence not disrupting the industry's operations that much. Such events will generate more revenue which could have been lost if the meetings and events could not take place hence increasing profitability.
Increased personalization 
The ...
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