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Following Leadership at International Sports Ministry

Essay Instructions:


The art of being an effective follower is just as important as being an effective leader. Everyone sport. Chances are you have had both positive and negative experiences with leaders in your life, so it is vital to learn from these experiences.


The student will write a 3 – 5 page research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on the topic provided within Canvas. All written assignments are required to include a title page and reference page at the end of the paper.

Describe an international sport ministry context where you could be called on to follow the leadership of others. Provide at least 3 examples from the Pleuddemann textbook of cultural elements you ought to consider when preparing to be an effective follower.

Questions to consider:

 What does it mean to be a follower? Is this necessarily always a good or bad thing? Explain.

 What are characteristics of effective leadership? Especially in the context of sport ministry. Who do you think exhibits these characteristics of an excellent leader in this field?

 What cultural elements can inhibit someone from being an effective leader? Are there times when a person is constrained to only do so much?

Be sure to cite the textbook and any other sources you might use in current APA format.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Followership in a Christian Society Assignment
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Followership in a Christian Society Assignment
International sports ministry is crucial in bringing together a love of athletics and sports with the love of Christ and His church. The outreach capacity of the sports ministry lies in its number one strength. Those participating acknowledge it to be a powerful component to connect with other people and share the scriptures of God. Many people see sports as a passion; thus, combining it with a message of God becomes more powerful. Furthermore, the sports ministry is exceptional in combining surrender to God in a given activity that tests the human body's physical limits in competition arenas. This excerpt will focus on effective leadership and followership during international sports ministry.
International sports ministry involves several contexts where people might be called on to follow other people's leadership. One context I could be called on is spreading the word of God globally through sports events as a missionary endeavor. I might be responsible for helping build communities via fellowship. Athletics would create opportunities to build solid communities and foster spiritual growth. Bringing people from diverse areas in prayerful unity could open hearts and minds in different ways. Becoming a learner is a great cultural element when preparing to be an effective follower.
Pleuddemann presents himself as a learner as he shares his experience and communicates the words and experiences of other people. He claims that becoming a learner is what assists people in gaining insights on different standpoints on leadership (Plueddemann, 2009). Moreover, I would also uncover my unconscious cultural values. Another vital element is discovering the cultural values of others. Looking for biblical leadership concepts in all scripture would also be essential for an effective missionary. Embracing these cultural elements would allow me, as a follower, to understand how to deal with situations.
To be a follower means to have the capacity to accomplish goals under the direction of a leader. Successful followers follow instructions, complete assigned duties, support initiatives, and are motivated. Also, good followers view the value in listening to others and aiding in accomplishing their vision. Being a follower is effective during a ministry in different ways. For instance, followership is integral to delegating and distributing responsibilities on a team, leading to more effective delegation. Besides, showing followership is integral in improving morale in the team through positive team culture of respect and support (Indeed Editorial Team, 2023). Thus, being a follower comes with several remunerations you cannot underestimate.
Good leadership requires massive effort and thought. Good leaders are disciples of Jesus, blessed by the Holy Spirit with a person to bring glory to God (Plueddemann, 2009). As a leader, there are different characteristics one needs to possess to be described as effective. Firstly, effective leaders should be visionary. Being visionary refers to having the ability to see an image of the future wh...
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