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Sports Ministry Plan

Essay Instructions:




Your ministry does not end when you tear down on the last day in country. In order to gain the full benefit of your ministry plan, even a hypothetical one, you must take time and reflect on what you have learned. Through this process you should have grown in cultural intelligence (how to engage cross-culturally) and in your understanding of effective sport ministry. Take time to summarize all that you have learned through this process.


For this assignment, readdress the previous portions of your Sport Ministry Plan and implement revisions based on instructor feedback where necessary. Submit a thorough summary of your hypothetical global sport ministry effort that includes:

 An identified geographic area and population that is the target of a support ministry effort;

 Background research of the general, sport, and religious culture as well as the socioeconomic environment in the geographic area you are targeting;

 A detailed description of your preparation and planning for a trip to the targeted area;

 A detailed description of your planned programming activities and support for why those activities are culturally appropriate.

Assess the current situation of your plan and summarize the importance of the journey and how the plan will be developed. Reflect on these assignments by discussing the personal impact it can have on your growth as a follower of Jesus.

DO NOT simply copy and paste your previous portions for your summary portion. Copied work will not be graded.

Cite at least 6 scholarly sources to support your position.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sports Ministry Plan
Sports Ministry Plan
Traveling is intriguing but can present serious challenges, particularly when going to a developing nation. Even though it can offer some of the most enriching cultural encounters and improved interactions among people, it can be extremely difficult to adapt to widespread poverty and weak economies. A mission will only be successful if all stakeholders participate as expected. Trips are incredibly effective, and Africa is a priority destination for the sports ministry. The ministry strategy that this sports ministry group has developed over this semester will be outlined in the study. The review will also evaluate the lessons acquired while creating this strategy and how the organization will proceed following the ministry plan's execution. The paper will describe the preparation and planning for a trip to Rwanda and the planned programming activities and explain why the activities are culturally appropriate.
Ministry Geographic Area and Targeted Population
Rwanda, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, will be the location of the ministry. Although the nation's borders are notoriously dangerous due to disputes with neighboring nations, Rwanda is safe compared to the other African countries. For instance, the Rwanda-Burundi border has a safety and travel advisory due to prior violent conflict. Due to the unfriendly relationship between the two nations, the border between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo is likewise not secure (U.S. Department of State, 2023). The ministry's strategy is to focus on elderly populations nationwide to create a cascading impact on younger people. Studies demonstrate to the organization how significant trainers' influences may be on their athletes (Ash Shiddiq et al., 2023). The environment for practicing and growth of the younger generation through sport will be directly impacted by the effect of adults (trainers, instructors) on the institutionalization, preparation, and pedagogical structure of environments for learning (Albuquerque et al., 2021). An essential component of the method of instruction and learning is the trainer's selection of activities when preparing the training. Sports may be a tool to avert future social and personal issues during the unstable period of youth. The coach's role can be crucial for creating a positive atmosphere within the intricate interactions formed in social sports scenarios.
Sport, religious culture, and the Socioeconomic Environment in Rwanda
Rwanda has been the focus of numerous Christian missionaries in the contemporary world. As a result of this evangelistic endeavor, the number of Christians in and around Rwanda increased. A record-breaking 69.5% (of Christians) in every nation examined in the area indicate religion is extremely significant to them (Müller, 2020). Due to a culture profoundly established in monotheism, religious faith, and the supernatural, non-Christian Rwandans seem quite open-minded about religion (Mndende, 2019). The main objective of conversion will ...
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