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Evaluation of Classical, Neo-Classical, and Modern Organizational Theories

Essay Instructions:

The Case Assignment for this course will be a 5-8-page essay (excluding title page and reference page). You should use a minimum of 3-4 sources (at least 2 from the Touro library) in your Case Assignment. Based upon what you learned in the previous 4 modules, write an essay that address the following:

1. Describe the goals of each organizational theory

2. Define how organizational behavior in a health care setting is paramount to ensuring patient safety, and ethical behavior among the medical practitioners.

3. Provide a conclusion paragraph where you summarize why organizational theory and behavior is important to healthcare administrators.

Writing Guidelines

Essay must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in

12-point Times New Roman.

Your paper should have a title page and references page (not included in the 3-5-page total count). Essays should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes.

You must cite all texts used APA 7th edition, including page numbers to avoid plagiarism.

Make sure your paper has an introduction (with purpose statement), main points in the body of the paper, and an overall conclusion section.

Build support in your paper with background material including library sources that use the terms we discussed throughout the course/program (Use at least 2 sources from the Touro library)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evaluation of Classical, Neo-Classical, and Modern Organizational Theories
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Assignment Due Date
Evaluation of Classical, Neo-Classical, and Modern Organizational Theories
Organizational theories explain how organizations operate, their dynamics, and the stakeholder relationships. These theories are often used to guide decision-making processes and to understand how organizations can achieve their objectives. The efficacy of organizational theories is a subject of much debate, with proponents and critics offering varying perspectives on their usefulness. One of the significant advantages of organizational theories is their predictive power. These theories help identify organizational behavior patterns and provide a framework for understanding how these patterns may evolve. This predictive power is particularly useful for organizations planning for the future and developing strategies to help them achieve their goals. Some critics argue that organizational theories lack empirical evidence to support their efficacy (Daft & Armstrong, 2017, 26). While many theories have been developed based on observations of organizational behavior, there is limited empirical evidence to support their claims. This essay will discuss the classical, neo-classical, and modern organizational theories. Also, there would be a discussion on organizational behavior in a healthcare setting.
Classical Organizational Theory
Classical organization theory is a management philosophy that emerged in the late 19th century and early 20th century. This theory was developed by scholars such as Henri Fayol, Max Weber, and Frederick Taylor, who sought to identify the most effective ways of managing complex organizations. At the heart of classical organization theory is the belief that organizations can be designed and managed rationally and efficiently to maximize productivity and minimize waste. This is achieved through developing a hierarchical structure, clear lines of authority and communication, and the standardization of work processes (Paais et al., 2020, 1). The theory emphasizes the importance of specialization, where each employee is assigned specific tasks based on their skills and expertise. This ensures that each task is completed efficiently and effectively, increasing productivity. A prime key feature of classical organization theory is the focus on the rationality of decision-making. This means that decisions are based on objective data and analysis rather than personal preferences or biases.
There are several advantages of the classical organization theory. One of the main advantages is that it provides a clear framework for organizing and managing complex organizations. Managers can design highly structured and well-managed organizations by focusing on efficiency, hierarchy, and rationality (Paais et al., 2020, 1). One of the main criticisms is that it needs to be more concise in the complexity of organizational dynamics. The theory may overlook the importance of human relationships and emotions in the workplace by emphasizing efficiency and rationality. This can lead to a dehumanized workplace where employees feel like cogs in a machine rather than valued team members.
Neo-Classical Organization Theory
The neo-classical organization theory modifies classical organization conjecture that emerged in the mid-20th century. It addresses some of the shortcomings of the classical conjecture, such as the dehumanization of the workplace and the lack of emphasis on individual and group behavior. This conjecture focuses on human behavior and motivation in the workplace and the vitality of communication and leadership. The neo-classical organization conjecture focuses on the pertinence of individual and group behavior in the workplace (Daft & Armstrong, 2017, 1). The neo-traditional premise suggests that organizations can improve productivity and reduce turnover by creating a work environment that supports employee motivation and satisfaction. The neo-traditional organization premise also focuses on teamwork and collaboration in the workplace. This premise suggests that employees can share ideas, knowledge, and skills by working together, enhancing performance and innovation. In the same way, the premise suggests that by creating a sense of community and shared purpose, organizations can improve employee morale and job satisfaction.
There are several advantages of the neo-traditional organization premise. One of the main advantages is that it places a greater weight on individual and group behavior in the workplace. Organizations can create a more positive and productive work environment by recognizing the importance of employee motivation, communication, and leadership. In the same way, by emphasizing teamwork and collaboration, organizations can promote innovation and creativity. However, one of the main criticisms is that it can be difficult to implement in practice. Creating a positive and productive work environment requires significant investment in employee training and development and commitment to ongoing communication and leadership development.
Modern Organization Theory
The modern organization theory (MOT) is a collection of various perspectives and theories that have emerged since the mid-20th century. It builds on the traditional and neo-traditional organization concepts but also considers recent technological developments, globalization, and societal values (Daft & Armstrong, 2017, 165). The most prominent aspect of the MOT is its focus on organizational structure and design. The new firm concept also focuses on the vitality of organizational culture and values. It recognizes that an organization’s values and beliefs can significantly impact its success and that creating a positive and supportive culture is vital. Furthermore, the modern ...
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