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Environmental Technology for the Protection of the Environment

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will write an essay in which you will apply safety and health-related theory and technology to address environmental issues. Please include the components listed below in your essay.

• Discuss the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Technology Verification Program as discussed in the assigned article by Ashley, Waits, Hartzell, and Harten (2005). Discuss ammonia and mercury monitoring specifically.
• Provide an equation used for computing water flow rate from pipe diameter. Describe the application and variables in the equation.
• Explain two methods for treating water.
• Explain two features of a solid waste landfill.
• Describe two hazardous waste onsite remediation technologies.
• Explain the purpose of an electrostatic precipitator and the air pollutants that it removes, and show an equation used to determine its efficiency.
• Provide the equation used to compute SPL (in dB) from sound pressure in µbars. If a bulldozer emits a sound level of 90 dBA, what is the sound level (dBA) of two bulldozers next to each other?
• Discuss your favorite part of the course.

Your essay should flow smoothly from topic to topic with thoughtful transitions. Your essay should be at least four pages in length, not counting the references page; a title page is optional.
Support your essay with at least two peer-reviewed articles. The articles should be no more than 20 years old. Feel free to use the textbook and other sources as references in addition to your two CSU Online Library sources. Be sure to properly cite and reference all sources and use APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Environmental protection has increasingly become a pertinent issue today due to the rising concerns about climate change caused by environmental pollution. Human activities have been at the forefront of this pollution, with poor habits accounting for the same. Nations worldwide have had to develop measures and strategies to combat environmental degradation. There are also international conventions geared towards putting pressure on respective countries to find ways to protect the environment within their boundaries. These measures are quite fervent, with the government creating specific bodies mandated with tackling such.
The Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program
The Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program was formulated to combat environmental pollution and its issues. This program was the brainchild of the U.S.EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and was formulated in 1995. The program looks at the various technologies that the current technological environment offers to assess and test them against any harmful elements or impacts they might have on people and the environment. The program also encourages partnerships with other organizations to evaluate against any harmful ingredients. It becomes easy to carry out effective evaluation processes through these partnerships, making it fast and efficient.
Ammonia and Mercury Monitoring
Mercury and ammonia are harmful to the environment and health as well. Ammonia is usually a main ingredient of fertilizer, typical in agriculture. When released into the atmosphere, it can have severe environmental impacts. As initially noted, the ETV program encourages partnerships, including the Advanced Monitoring System. According to Ashley, Waits, Hartzell, and Harten (2005), it is possible to protect the environment against any pollution. The Advanced Monitoring System provides ammonia sensors that help monitor ammonia emissions into the atmosphere. There is also a proper monitoring system for mercury, making it even easier to monitor mercury continuously. Constant and continuous monitoring is key to assessing both the long-term and short-term environmental impacts of these elements, which can then help develop measures to tackle these emissions.
Equation Used for Computing Water Flow Rate
This equation is quite essential in the processes of assessment and monitoring of current various emissions and effluents into the environment. The flow rate calculation considers the main aspects that affect the flow rate itself: the pipe diameter in which the fluid is flowing (d) and the velocity of flow (v). The diameter of the pipe is obtained by looking at its cross-section. The flow rate Q is found by dividing the volume of fluid flowing through a given section of a pipe by the time it takes for that volume to pass through that section. In other terms;
Q= V/t., but if the pipe is cylindrical, the equation becomes (pi/4)*d2 * v.
Two Methods for Treating Water.
The two main methods of cleaning water are flocculation and disinfection. Flocculation entails having a ferrous substance that acts as the flocculent to help form larger particles ...
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