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Basic Concepts and Techniques of Human Resource Managers

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment you will apply the basic concepts and techniques of HRM to a realistic problem. Select from one of the options below:

Option A: Identify a specific job position which your organization is seeking to fill. Based on the job analysis results develop a selection procedure for that job. Discuss the specific steps of the selection procedure and the rational for them. For example, if the selection procedure includes an employment interview, outline the specific questions that will be asked and give the reasons for their inclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Hiring Process of a Company
Human resource management encompasses strategic approaches proven as efficient and effective in managing people within a company or organization so that it can be possible for them to assist in gaining the company's competition by increasing its performance rates compared to its competitors. These approaches are commonly designed to maximize employees' performance in service of the strategic objectives of an employer (Lee & Mao, 2020). Generally, human resource management is a joint term for every formal system created with the aim of helping in the management of employees among other stakeholders within a company. Human resource management is mainly commissioned to do two things: recruiting and compensating employees and designating work for qualified employees. Ideally, the human resource management's role is to develop the most suitable way of increasing the productivity of a company through its employees. Despite the day-to-day changes experienced in the corporate world, human resource management is not prospective to change in a weighty way. From the several concepts and techniques available in human resource management, this paper will focus on recruitment and selection as one of the main techniques used by human resource managers.
Debatably, recruitment and selection are the most observable concepts of human resources. The first thing that most candidates seeking job positions worry about is how the interview will go after being recruited for the position (Vulpen, n.d.). The human resource needs to recruit and select candidates that best meet the job description and can adeptly perform their tasks with minimal to no supervision effectively and professionally. This is one of the main responsibilities of the human resource manager ("5 Reasons Why Every Organization Needs A Recruitment and Selection Policy", 2018). Every organization considers its employees as the company's lifeblood, and it is important to find the best ones who fit is likewise important. The process starts soon as the company identifies possible and available vacancies that will be advertised to the public for the recruitment exercise. Qualified candidates will then be selected for a scheduled interview before being hired to their respective positions.
Finding the best candidate to do the work is not an easy process. Therefore, the human resource manager can implement different selection methods, such as assessments, interviews, and reference checks, among other recruitment methods. In most cases, the human resource manager can be forced to use preselection tools like Skillmeter, Litmus, and AssessFirst, among others (Verlinden, 2020) when the company receives a lot of candidates for the position. These tools for selection help the human resource manager in the separation of 'wheat from the chaff" when selecting suitable candidates for the job. Candidates who succeed in the recruitment and selection phase can proceed to the next phase, where they can be interviewed and receive a more thorough assessment.
DeniMack Auto (a company dealing in selling used cars) is looking for a suitable and best candidate to fill up the Chief Marketing Officer position. Candidates applying for the position must have a Master's Degree in marketing or an MBA or a related field. Candidates who have these requirements may be highly considered. Other requirements include four years of proven experience in business development or marketing manager role; excellence in analytical and leadership skills; and creative and entrepreneurial spirit. The roles of the Chief Marketing Officer at DeniMack will comprise planning, developing, implementing, and monitoring the company's marketing strategy. Added duties may include market research, product marketing, advertising, public relations, pricing, and marketing communications.
Hiring Process of the Chief Marketing Officer at DeniMack Auto
The first step is understanding the role of the candidate, which can be done by building the ideal profile for the candidate. Finding the most suitable person for the role requires the company to understand what the role involves. The hiring manager can complete this by defining the role, its contribution to the company, and the kind of skills needed for the candidate ("How To Hire A Chief Marketing Officer | Recruitment Guide | Vervoe," n.d.).
The second step is sourcing for applicants, which will involve writing the job description based on the necessary skills that go with it. Once the company has laid out the requirements necessary for the role, interested candidates should also understand the skills needed to succeed in their application. The company can also write an effective job description that promotes the role of the position ("How To Hire A Chief Marketing Officer | Recruitment Guide | Vervoe," n.d.).
Thirdly, the hiring manager begins to assess skills by selecting the ideal candidate. At this point, the hiring manager can see the type of applicants who possess the appropriate skills for the role. The manager can do this by sending all the applicants a Vervoe skills assessment from the expert library or even having one customized to meet the company's needs. Through assessment of skills, the company can identify ideal candidates who fit for the role ("How To Hire A Chief Marketing Officer | Recruitment Guide | Vervoe," n.d.).
The fourth step involves interviewing top performers in all three steps, which mainly result from a proper assessment of skills, thus helping the hiring manager to identify the best performers. The hiring manager can focus on interviewing candidates who have met or exceeded the company's requirements. The results obtained from assessing the candidates can also help the hiring manager as a guide on the specific skills to focus on when conducting the interview ("How To Hire A Chief Marketing Officer | Recruitment Guide | Vervoe," n.d.). When conducting the interview, the hiring manager should ask questions that can get to the heart of the Chief Marketing Officer candidate's personality, strengths, weaknesses, and skills – while evading the mental acrobatics and interrogation. Some of the questions the hiring manager can consider asking may include:
1 What is your marketing dashboard, and what KPIs do you track?
This question can help the hiring manager identify a few insights, such as the kind of results that the Chief Marketing Officer candidate cares about and if these results can change metrics into concrete results. How the candidate perceives marketing success; for instance, if the candidate is focused on tracking the customer's satisfaction, that should signify that the candidate perceives marketing through a customer experience lens. If the candidate tracks average revenue per customer, he will consider what marketing influences. All of this should tell the hiring manager how the candidate answers the "What is marketing?" question (Hendrikse, 2019).
2 How do you approach branding a company and its products and services?
From this question, the hiring manager can realize how valuable a candidate sees the company's brand. In most cases, every person has an opinion about branding and marketing, which is a problem with it. How does the chief marketing officer balance the views of the Chief Executive Officer, the board members, and the executive team with the ability to test and use data? It can be complicated for a marketing officer to successfully manage the process of branding without burning a lot of team bandwidth (Hendrikse, 2019).
3 What do you consider as greatest challenges for a Chief Marketing Officer these days? How do you work with your team of executives in getting the most out of the marketing role?
The hiring manager can, from this question, learn how the candidate showcases his or her leadership style and skills while seeing-through challenges that might arise in the process of performing marketing roles. It is also important to determine how the candidate communicates with executive leadership and holds the marketing team they are working with accountable. Marketing is challenging since it is multilayered: branding, event management, math, digital execution, art, project management – a skilled marketing leader can have all of these connections and come up with the most appropriate working contracts among his or her peers (Hendrikse, 2019).
4 What frameworks of pricing do you consider using?
The hiring manager can learn the strategy suitable for pricing from this question. Understanding the pricing strategy might be complicated, fr...
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