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Employee Motivation to Reflection: What Motivates You

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Employee Motivation/ Discussion to Reflection: What Motivates You
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Employee Motivation
Motivating employees entails ensuring satisfaction of their emotional drives to bond, acquire, defend and comprehend. When it comes to employee motivation, non-profit and public executives must be way ahead of their colleagues (Newton, Becker & Bell, 2014). This paper explores the important aspects of employee motivation in non-profit making and public institutions. It does so by analyzing the case The Drucker Institute, New York branch.
The Drucker Foundation is a non-profit social enterprise located at Claremont Graduate. The University hosts the foundation started by a former student, Peter Drucker, and its purpose is to strengthen organizations which will strengthen the society (Drucker Institute, n.d.). The Institute achieves this goal by turning the founder’s ideals and ideas into inspiring practical tools. The belief here is that the society can be strong if the institutions within it are strong.
At The Drucker Foundation, specific strategies can fruitfully motivate employees. First, the management must empower the workers by developing trust, emphasizing on confidence and discouraging gossiping (Motivation Strategies, n.d.; Northouse, 2016). All leaders should attend to their appointments and work well. Workers are motivated because they can count on their manager. They should also take responsibilities by not blaming others for their mistakes.
Additionally, job redesign strategy works. Lack of monitory rewards brings boredom. Doing the same job every day causes burnout. Identify employees’ qualities and redesign their jobs before they lose motivated. Lastly, I will establish an efficient reward system. I would offer available extrinsic rewards like time off, awards, bonuses and special assignments (Northouse, 2016). However, I would insist on offering intrin...
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