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Management Application: Final Project Proposal

Essay Instructions:

This week, for your assignment, you submit the second part of the Final Project, the Final Project Proposal, which is a 2- to 3-page (not including the Interview Consent Form) paper describing the leader you propose to interview and why you chose this leader for your Final Project. Also submit a list of interview questions you have created to ask him or her as well as the Interview Consent Form provided in Learning Resources for Week 1. Please be sure your Final Project Proposal adheres to the criteria stated in the Final Project Guidelines document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
You are invited to take part in an interview on Organizational Management and Leadership. This form is part of a process called “informed consent” to allow you to understand the intent of this interview before deciding whether to take part.

This interview is being conducted by the student named _Susan Cummings________ who is a master’s or doctoral student at Walden University. You may already know the researcher as one who has contacted you before __, but this study is separate from that role.
Background Information:
The purpose of this interview is for the completion of a final project on successful management and leadership in public and nonprofit organizations, including qualities, behaviors, strategies, and outcomes.
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to be part of an individual interview for approximately 30–45 minutes.
Here are some sample questions:
What do you think are the most important skills for leaders, and how does this influence how they grow?
What is the benefit of working with professionals in the nonprofit sector, and does this influence how you lead?
As a leader, what is the place of diversity in leadership and do you feel that diversity is appreciated in the organization?
Activist leaders in the NGOs at times focus on a single issue, what is your take on how leaders can integrate advocacy work to improve results?
While working with communities, do leadership skills influence coa...
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