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Innovation Strategies in the Public and Nonprofit Organizations

Essay Instructions:

For this Discussion, select one of the tools listed in the Learning Resources: strategic planning, re-engineering, quality management, benchmarking, team management, and leveraging the private sector. Research scholarly articles or free media such as Ted Talks related to your chosen innovation tool that shows the tool being used in a public or nonprofit organization.

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Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is a crucial activity and one that is used for organization management. More importantly these are activities that are crucial when it comes to focusing the resources, setting priorities, adjusting the organizational direction relative to the business environment and strengthening operations ensuring all the stakeholders are working towards the same goals as the company. As such, it can be described as a disciplined effort which determines all the decisions that are made at the company (Kukreja, 2013). Strategic planning is crucial when it comes to the establishment of what the company does, why it does it, who it serves and more importantly the establishment on how it focuses on the future.
In an effort to better understand strategic planning as a tool, the evaluation of the article by Deepak best explains the basics and better explain some of the pitfalls associated with it use. Deepak in the article, Strategic Planning: A Roadmap to Success, explains what strategic planning is, how it is used some of the basic misconceptions associated with the phrase and how it is used (Kukreja, 2013).
In the article, Deepak takes a rather different approach by trying to show the audience about the aspects of the meaning of the phrase and why most of the times that it is deemed to be used, it usually is wrongly referenced. Ideally, according to the article most of the times when the phrase is used it does not refer to the correct meaning. Most of the time there is a general approach to the phrase. For example, a company will have a strategic plan that relates to lowering the costs (Kukreja, 2013). However, it is crucial to point out that every other company wants to lower its costs. The element of strategy is lost in the statement and drifts further from what it is supposed to mean and the purpose. A company does not need to have a strategic plan to lower its costs and this ma...
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