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Draft report. Organizational Development & Management Consulting.

Essay Instructions:

The course name is Organizational Development & Management Consulting.

This is the team paper and I choose the Data Analysis.

The first word document which include the course instruction, grading rubric, the link of textbook (free version)and four parts description divided by team.

The second word document named interview is the transcript of three interviewers.

Contact me anytime if you need other information.


Instruction and grading rubric:Client Executive Summary (1.5 – 2 pages) This will act as an introduction to address the problems and give an overview of the solutions we propose-         Address key findings (What was the common theme among all the interviewees?)-         Describe key findings (Define them and discuss briefly what this means for the client)-         Briefly include recommendations to solve the dilemma ● Data Analysis (2-3 pages) This is basically an outline of what we did with the data we obtained(Junnan)-         Discuss our data analysis method and how we contacted the alumni to interview them (found via linkedin, used phone, provided transcripts and recordings, etc.) (discuss benefits of interviewing; found in textbook)-         Define whether we used inductive or deductive (p. 174-179 of the textbook), provide definition and describe why it’s either deductive or inductive.-         Use a diagnostic tool (Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model) to describe organizational change. (p. 121 of online textbook, numbers may vary for hardcopy of book).-      "This section argues that …….. derive from three sources: …..."-      "We arrived at these conclusions by applying the ….. Model….."- Results (2-3 pages) Discuss common themes and findings  Silang-         Provide results of the interviews and try to tie it to textbook themes-          What was the common theme for all the interviews? Conclusions and Recommendations (2-3 pages) Chen-         Review the key conclusions and identify the issues we found to be present-         Provide recommendations for the client on ways to “fix” the issues outlined-       Give your rationale for each recommendation, including an in-depth discussion of benefits and barriers.  For each recommendation, identify specific action steps that must be taken.  Explain what will be done, who should be involved, when it should take place, etc.
Citations (APA)

Click below to view and download a free version of Anderson's book 4th ed:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TGVIlBNS44b2iVpyAnZwpEfh3hU2N8SY/view

There are some pieces of transcript related textbook concept (may helpful or not), you can use it if you like.:Chapter 1: “a strong sense of community” is a question of Organization DevelopmentDiagnosis is a common term among practitioners, it is unfortunate that it holds the connotation of the doctor–patient consulting model described in Chapter 5. Sophia Zahory didn’t believe there was a strong sense of community at Mason due to so many commuters. lilly:There is a strong sense of community on Mason’s campus. Of course, I saw myself as a part of the community. Even till now, people who are studying or studied in Mason School of Business send me invitations on LinkedIn. They want to connect with me, which is impressive.Felix:I think Mason's campus has a sort of sense of community, but not on weekends. Campus is pretty dead on the weekends, so most students head off campus to find places to drink or party.  But the school still holds some activities, like Mason Day to arouse students' sense of community.
 Chapter 3 :Core Values of Organization Development (P. 82)Several humanistic assumptions underlie the core values of the field. By humanistic we mean that individuals deserve respect, are trustworthy, and want to achieve personal growth and satisfaction (Wooten & White, 1999). Humanistic values also include a belief in the equity and equality of people, democratic principles, and a belief in human dignity and worth.Lilly:Behavior, cooperation, entrepreneurship. Because knowing more about organizational behavior and cooperation helps me work better with my teammates. Entrepreneurship gives me more strategic thinking about how to build a strategic thinking process.Sophia Zahory:Finance, Opportunity, Career. Finance came to mind first because it was a difficult class. Opportunity because if you networked and got involved then you would be more marketable. Career because School of business helped with resume and in turn job searching.
Chapter 9: Structuring and Planning Interventions for Success (P. 290)Providing Clear and Explicit Outcomes. Change agents should be forthright about what the intervention activities are designed to accomplish13. What would you like to see in the School of Business going forward into the next 5-10 years? How, if at all, do you see yourself as a part of that?
Lilly: I realized the business community has been expanded a lot. I would like to see more students attend business school because business is more than money, it combines a lot of knowledge, such as Psychology, Math, Ethics, Politics, and so on. Business needs more and more students to participate in.Sophia Zahory: In the next 5-10 years I would like to see more opportunities for expanding major/minor. I also believe that students go into college being unsure so they should offer more resources to educate them.

Chapter 10: Individual Instruments and Assessments (p.p.306) Sophia Zahory: I believe there is a strong Mason community in the DC professional area because I have met a lot of Mason alumni in this area. lilly:Well I don’t see there is a strong sense of the Mason ‘’community’’ in the DC professional area. There are so many universities in DC that are better than Mason, like George Washington University. Mason needs to be better to compete in these kinds of universitiesFelix:In my opinion, there is a strong sense of the Mason “community” in the DC professional area. I regard myself as part of that community. I think this teaching atmosphere is very good. 

Interview Transcripts: No.1 Interview with Sophia Zahory by Kristina Valts, Date: 09/29/2020 (audio file provided) Confirm job and tile and address for a mailed event invite.  ○ REI sales specialist, not comfortable giving out address. Demographic information via survey (age, race, gender, nationality, full/part-time student, degree working toward, years in/years left toward degree, how paying for school, transfer student?, 1st generation university?, Mason alumni in family? etc.)○ 24, Female, White, Full-time Student, Management degree, parents paid for school. 2 uncles went to Mason, but first to attend Mason in immediate family.What was Mason like when you attended? In what ways do you see it as similar/different today?○ I think it was a large commuter population. I heard from people now that during COVID things are very empty, there aren’t any clubs or ways to have involvement.What sort of students came to Mason when you attended? Were you similar to or different from them? In what regard?○ Did 2 years at NOVA then Mason, and felt that I was a little older than some students in class. At the same time, there was a lot of diversity in regard to the age group, didn’t feel too out of place, but I believe it depended on the group.What are your favorite memories of your Mason/ School of Business experience? What are your least favorite memories? Is there anything you would have changed if you were to do it again? If so, what?○ Favorite: 1 marketing class that had a great group project that went well and the other was the graduation experience in Fall of 2019.○ Least: Number of group projects and there were some professors that weren’t very responsive.○ If I was to do it again, I would have tried to get another internship more along the lines of what I was looking for after Mason and started my job search earlier.What would you say are Mason’s biggest strengths and weaknesses? What about the School of Business?○ Strength: Diversity, welcoming environment.○ Weakness: Layout of campus, confusing and large.○ Same strength for school of business, weakness is doing better with group projects. Need more unique ways to get students to collaborate outside of the regular group project.What are the three words that first come to mind when you think of School of Business? Why do you think those words are so relevant for you?○ Finance, Opportunity, Career.○ Finance came to mind first because it was a difficult class.○ Opportunity because if you networked and got involved then you would be more marketable.○ Career because School of business helped with resume and in turn job searching.In your opinion, is there a strong sense of community on Mason’s campus? If so, do you see yourself as part of that community? Why/why not? If not, why not? What could be done to strengthen the sense of community on campus?○ I didn’t believe there was a strong sense of community at Mason due to so many commuters.○ Ways to strengthen this would be to provide easier access to campus and parking should be easier.Is there a strong sense of the Mason “community” in the DC professional area? If not, why not? If so, do you see yourself as part of that community? Why/why not? What could be done to strengthen the sense of community among DC professionals?○ I believe there is a strong Mason community in the DC professional area because I have met a lot of Mason alumni in this area.○ I see myself as part of that community.○ N/A to the question regarding what could be done to strengthen the sense of ose courses you like. This is helpful to the development of students to some extent. Secondly, in all the required courses for undergraduates, the school is actually very open: for example, in science, you have to study two semesters, one per semester, but the school will not care about what course you study. So this gives students a lot of freedom. For example, some students around me chose physics, because physics is relatively simple for Chinese students. And I chose astronomy. This course has both challenges andcommunity among DC professionalsWhat, if anything, has Mason (the Mason community) given you personally or professionally? What would you like Mason (the Mason community) to give you?○ I believe Mason has improved my resume and skills with management courses. I think of Mason as a nice stepping stone to commute and not have to pay a crazy amount.○ I wish Mason provided better alumni resources, new grads are struggling finding jobs.What, if anything, have you given to Mason (the Mason community)? Is there anything you would like to give to Mason (the Mason community) that you haven’t already? What, if anything, is preventing you or causing you to hold back?○ Ways I’m giving back to the Mason community is encouraging potential students to apply to Mason if they are considering attending and answering questions to make sure they’re prepared for the Mason experience. I help to make other students aware of the benefits of Mason.○ I don't believe there is anything preventing me from contributing.Offer examples like attending events, hiring students and alumni, or volunteering to mentor students and speak to classes about their career and success.○ I am potentially interested in such events and might be willing to get involved.How, if at all, has Mason/ School of Business (the Mason community) made an impact on your life/career?○ Good job of transitioning from NOVA to Mason and helped me to become mature and professional.What would you like to see in the School of Business going forward into the next 5-10 years? How, if at all, do you see yourself as a part of that?○ In the next 5-10 years I would like to see more opportunities for expanding major/minor. I also believe that students go into college being unsure so they should offer more resources to educate them.○ N/A to how I see myself as part of that process.No. 2Interview with lilly chen by Silang Wen, Date: 10/1/2020 (audio file provided)
Confirm job and tile and address for a mailed event invite.I just received an EA and Ubisoft game entertainment company job offer. Now, I am the associate manager of EA company game project. Demographic information via survey (age, race, gender, nationality, full/part-time student, degree working toward, years in/years left toward degree, how paying for school, transfer student?, 1 st -generation university?, Mason alumni in family? etc.)27 years old. Asian, female, Chinese. I was a full-time student in the Mason MBA program. All of the tuition fee was paid by myself. What was Mason like when you attended? In what ways do you see it as similar/different today?What sort of students came to Mason when you attended? Were you similar to or different from them? In what regard?Mason is very good at being a diversified university. As an international student, I didn’t feel lonely at all because there were so many international students as I was in Mason. That’s the best part of why I like Mason.
What are your favorite memories of your in School of Business experience? What are your least favorite memories? Is there anything you would have changed if you were to do it again? If so, what?My favorite memories were doing the group project with my classmates. Well, I studied in an MBA program. There were plenty of group projects I needed to do. Doing group projects helped me a lot in the workplace.My least favorite memories were night classes, which was too long for me. I still remembered I had to attend the class from 7:20 to 10:00.  If anything I would have changed will probably be the network. I would attend more social events if possible. What would you say are Mason’s biggest strengths and weaknesses? What about the School of Business?Strengths: Mason has a very strong diversified environment.Weaknesses: Dispersion of campus makes it hard to share documents.School of Business Strengths: Most of the professors are specialized in their area.School of Business Weaknesses: Few opportunities to network. What are the three words that first come to mind when you think of School of Business? Why do you think those words are so relevant for you?Behavior, cooperation, entrepreneurship.Because knowing more about organizational behavior and cooperation helps me work better with my teammates. Entrepreneurship gives me more strategic thinking about how to build a strategic thinking process. In your opinion, is there a strong sense of community on Mason’s campus? If so, do you see yourself as part of that community? Why/why not? What could be done to strengthen the sense of community on campus?There is a strong sense of community on Mason’s campus. Of course, I saw myself as a part of the community. Even till now, people who are studying or studied in Mason School of Business send me invitations on LinkedIn. They want to connect with me, which is impressive. Is there a strong sense of the Mason “community” in the DC area? If not, why not? If so, do you see yourself as part of that community? What could be done to strengthen the sense of community among DC professionals?Well I don’t see there is a strong sense of the Mason ‘’community’’ in the DC professional area. There are so many universities in DC that are better than Mason, like George Washington University. Mason needs to be better to compete in these kinds of universities. What, if anything, has Mason given you personally or professionally? What would you like Mason to give you?More professional network would be better. What, if anything, have you given to Mason? Or Is there anything you would like to give to Mason that you haven’t already? When I succeed in the future, I will probably make some donations to the Mason community to support students who have entrepreneurship. Offer examples like attending events, hiring students and alumni, or volunteering to mentor students and speak to classes about their career and success.In my major, some of the students signed in for the TA part time to help the professor grade those assignments. And they are not very good at giving the correct grades back. I don’t like student TA that much. How, if at all, has School of Business made an impact on your life/career?The mason business community helped me to realize what I am capable of, and What kind of career goal will be suitable for me. What would you like to see in the School of Business going forward into the next 5-10 years? How, if at all, do you see yourself as a part of that?I realized the business community has been expanded a lot. I would like to see more students attend business school because business is more than money, it combines a lot of knowledge, such as Psychology, Math, Ethics, Politics, and so on. Business needs more and more students to participate in.No. 3Interview with Felix by Chen Zhao, Date: 09/30/2020 (audio file provided)Hi, I’m doing an interview with Mason alumni to find out what they think of the school. Thank you for coming. Confirm your job and title? Can we learn more about you? My name is Felix. I'm from China. I'm working in an accounting firm. I went to Mason as an undergraduate in 2015, when I was 18. Majored in Accounting. Chen: What was Mason like when you attended? In what ways do you see it as similar/different today?Many of the teaching buildings were old buildings. It is said that a new building has been built in recent years, and Parking space is more nervous, maybe driving around the parking lot to find a parking space.Chen: What sort of students came to Mason when you attended? Were you similar to or different from them? In what regard? I think the students who want to come here are innovative and want to make something of themselves. The school "has a highly respected group of economists and high-tech scholars". The students who come here for fame certainly want to make something of themselves.Chen: What are your favorite memories of your Mason/ School of Business experience? What are your least favorite memories? Is there anything you would have changed if you were to do it again? If so, what?Professors at Mason are very knowledgeable about what they teach. Many have had successful careers in the subjects they teach, and some even teach and work part-time in their field. I've learned a lot here that will last a lifetime.Chen: What would you say are Mason’s biggest strengths and weaknesses? What about the School of Business?I think the biggest advantage of Mason is that it is inclusive. Mason has more than 1,700 international students. Studying here can meet people from all kinds of countries and communicate with them. The school is quite equal and there is no discrimination on the basis of international students. I think parking is a big problem. Students need to beware of leaving their cars parked too long in a time-restricted space. Parking Services will ticket any cars breaking the rules, no questions asked. Chen: What are the three words that first come to mind when you think of School of Business? Why do you think those words are so relevant for you?Youth, Spring, Unforgettable. The scenery is so amazing in Spring. Chen :In your opinion, is there a strong sense of community on Mason’s campus? If so, do you see yourself as part of that community? Why/why not? If not, why not? What could be done to strengthen the sense of community on campus? I think Mason's campus has a sort of sense of community, but not on weekends. Campus is pretty dead on the weekends, so most students head off campus to find places to drink or party.  But the school still holds some activities, like Mason Day to arouse students' sense of community.Chen :Is there a strong sense of the Mason “community” in the DC professional area? If not, why not? If so, do you see yourself as part of that community? Why/why not? What could be done to strengthen the sense of community among DC professionals?In my opinion, there is a strong sense of the Mason “community” in the DC professional area. I regard myself as part of that community. I think this teaching atmosphere is very good. chen: What, if anything, has Mason (the Mason community) given you personally or professionally? What would you like Mason (the Mason community) to give you?I think Mason has given me a lot of useful expertise that will stand me in good stead for a lifetime. I wish Mason would offer more extracurricular activities if possible. If there is a chance, I think they should open up more kinds of elective courses, like language courses, literature courses.Chen: What, if anything, have you given to Mason (the Mason community)? Is there anything you would like to give to Mason (the Mason community) that you haven’t already? What, if anything, is preventing you or causing you to hold back?If I were to become a millionaire I would give mason some money for the alumni Fund, but unfortunately I'm not yet. But if there are people around me who want to study abroad, I will recommend Mason to them. I will tell them that they can learn a lot of useful knowledge at Mason. Chen :How, if at all, has Mason/ School of Business (the Mason community) made an impact on your life/career?In terms of economics education, George Mason's curriculum system is set reasonably. In fact, apart from the required macro and micro courses, the college actually does not impose too much restriction on your course selection. You can choose those courses you like. This is helpful to the development of students to some extent. Secondly, in all the required courses for undergraduates, the school is actually very open: for example, in science, you have to study two semesters, one per semester, but the school will not care about what course you study. So this gives students a lot of freedom. For example, some students around me chose physics, because physics is relatively simple for Chinese students. And I chose astronomy. This course has both challenges and rewards.Chen: What would you like to see in the School of Business going forward into the next 5-10 years? How, if at all, do you see yourself as a part of that?I think the reputation of business schools will get better and better in the next 5-10 years. Mason is a relatively new university, which has developed rapidly in recent years. I believe that Mason will develop better and better in the next 5-10 years.

Whole essay’s main point instruction:   There is some idea and information from my team chat, not enough for the conclusion and recommendation section. Hopefully that will give you some idea.1. The other section indicated that Mason is doing well for diversity of the student population, but they need to work on career development events and building a strong sense of community. (Network is one-part Mason is doing wrong which can be found in the question of “Is there anything you would have changed if you were to do it again? “(lack of professional events or engagements).) 2. Do recommendation: Based on this question, maybe we can discuss about what should Mason do better on building a strong sense of community and my teammates also identified the problem that Mason lack of some engagement. 
3. What should be done now and in the future?

Conclusions and Recommendations (2-3 pages) -         Review the key conclusions and identify the issues we found to be present-         Provide recommendations for the client on ways to “fix” the issues outlined-       Give your rationale for each recommendation, including an in-depth discussion of benefits and barriers.  For each recommendation, identify specific action steps that must be taken.  Explain what will be done, who should be involved, when it should take place, etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Draft Report: Data Analysis
Institutional Affiliation:
Draft Report: Data Analysis
The data collection method was by interviews after identifying the potential participants. Finding individuals physically was a little tricky, hence the use of social media platforms for this. We found the participants from LinkedIn, sought their contacts, and called them for the interview. During the same time, we recorded the responses on the phone for a straightforward interpretation and transcription of the documents we used for analysis. The interviewing method has its advantages, like an immediate response to questions asked. An individual can verify information, correct anything they feel was not adequately responded to, and add any extra information that may be useful for the work.
Data and information analyses were done by inductive reasoning. In this case, the information presents specific themes that a researcher gathers and develops a case. In doing so, the researcher goes through the entire data presented, pulls out the most common themes, and compare with the other information gathered. From the reports, the reasoning is developed and compared with the initial hypothesis. From our collected data, it would be easy to find what most alumni loved about the university, their struggles, what they love most, and their success. Matching information from all these facets would lead to the university’s constant reasoning that it improved the students. An example is the sort of students who attended the university. Part of Sophia’s response was: ‘at the same time, there was a lot of diversity in regard to the age group, didn’t feel too out of place, but I believe it depended on the group.’ On the same question, Chen responded in almost the same fashion: ‘Mason is very good at being a diversified university.’ These are two responses out of three, suggesting the institution was diversified. It is almost easy to deduce ...
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