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Discussion on Managing Change

Essay Instructions:

Option #2: Managing Change (75 points)

The Chief Operations Officer (COO) of a Fortune 500 company is preparing to implement a major change in Standard Operating Procedures in the next six months. This is an initiative that she has personally spearheaded over the past year and one which she knows—while extremely valuable to the company and its employees in the long-term future—will almost certainly elicit a lot of initial unhappiness, anxiety, uncertainty, and push-back from both customers and employees—especially if the key components of the change initiative are communicated carelessly.

What are some of potential communications problems the COO faces right now, over the next six months, and for up to a year after the change is implemented? What will she have to do to ensure that the message is well-received and clearly understood by both external and internal customers (employees)? What media should she use to communicate over the next several months? Explain why this is the most effective way to communicate.

Keep in mind this is academic writing. It should be written in third person and should not include unsubstantiated opinions, but rather facts and theories.

Your well-written paper must adhere to the following parameters:

4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

3 scholarly references cited in the assignment. Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with in-text citations and references; all facts must be supported. In-text citations used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.

Formatted according to CSU Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.).

Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed from the assignment page. Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Managing Change
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Managing Change
Organizational change has proven inevitable in the recent past as companies strive to improve the effectiveness and the delivery of services to the customers. Complex and large organizations, such as those on Fortune 500 list, are certain to have a complex organizational setting, thus making it even more complicated for change initiators and implementors (Awoke, 2020). Change implementation before, during, and after the change requires an ongoing communication strategy from the change implementor, and the need for over-communication cannot be emphasized enough. Even for the most successful change actors, communication remains one of the major hurdles in implementing change. Without an effective communication strategy, the change implementors are certain to experience backlash from the recipients, inability to settle on the most appropriate channel for delivery, and even the content might not resonate well with the audience.
The COO needs to prepare all the parties bound to be affected by the impending change in the Standard Operating Procedures and thus may face some communication challenges before the change implementation. Audience identification and segmentation might prove to be a key problem to the COO, considering the size of the company and the need to tailor the message for each audience. Putting together a team or a task force to address and tailor the message to the intended audience effectively is a problem that the COO must also address. Deciding on the most appropriate communication channel for every audience group is the other problem that the COO must overcome while coming up with the communication strategy before implementing the change process. The target group affected by the change process needs to be made aware of the reasons for change, and the change initiator needs to explain the reason for the change and its alignment to the organization's vision (Venus et al., 2019). The change initiator may fail to communicate the vision of change to the followers adequately and may lead to resistance to change.
During the period when the change is already underway, the change implementor, that is, the COO might also face similar problems as to the preparation phase, such as ineffectiveness with the channel of communication, inability to blend the different communication mediums, and the content that is to be conveyed to a particular group of audience. Effective communication is often a two-way process, and the sender will expect feedback from the audience. Audiences resistant to change might fail to give feedback to the change implementor, leading to a breakdown in communication and a total failure in the change implementation since feedback communication is one of the key performance indicators of business communication (Duneva, 2021). Information overload due to the massive feedbacks from the audiences might cause problems to the COO during the change implementation as it may lead to distortion and an overall decline in communication efficiency (Santalova et al., 2019). The period after the change has been put into effect will require the effort of the change initiator to consistently keep in touch with the audience, which may lead to information overload and inefficient feedback mechanisms, leading to an overall breakdown in communication. Followers who might have fallen victim to the Standard Operating Procedures change might exhibit some form of hostility to the COO post the change implementation, further inhibiting the communication process.

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