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Management Essay: Current Research in IT Governance

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Current Research in IT Governance
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Current Research in IT Governance
In the 21st century, with the global market being highly competitive, Information Technology (IT) has become crucial for organizations to dwell. To compete effectively and enhance high performance in the worldwide market, organizations make improvements in IT governance to propel them towards that direction. IT governances are the strategies or policies that organizations deploy to monitor and control crucial Information Technology decisions to ensure the organization competes favorably in the market (Jimenez-Jimenez 2019). When these strategies are effectively used, they will positively impact the performance of the organization; however, when they go wrong, the result will not be pleasing. When Enron became bankrupt in 2001 is as a result of low IT Governance strategies. This paper wants to look into the current researches done in the IT policies and procedures adopted as part of the Governance framework of the organizations.
Researchers in the recent past have undertaken different types of research in business organizations to identify IT Governance strategies and their impacts on the firms' performance in the global market. An analysis of the articles of the studies done in the past gives a clear indication that the two viewpoints, academic and business viewpoints, come together or mediate and influence the IT Governance strategies positively to improve the firm's general performance in the industry (Jimenez-Jimenez 2019). The academic view holds that IT Governance is the authority held by the management, executive, or IT management team to control the strategies adopted by the organization to enable it to achieve its set objectives in the IT and perform better in the market. It says that the firm's assets and resources are the main determiners of its performance. However, the business viewpoint states that the improved achievements of a business depend on how far the IT supports and enables business strategies.
From a theoretical standpoint, the three areas of interest include; structures that the organization put in place, processes to follow, and how the mechanisms relate to enhancing business alignment. From the articles, two variables are used, the IT Governance mechanism, which should be innovative (Soto-Acosta 2018), and the IT Governance performance. Chief Information Officers (CIOs) of the firms get their supplies to work together to tackle and overcome the complexity of the increase in the number of more powerful technologies (Lee 2018). The studies recommend that future research be undertaken sincerely, and all the possible occurrences in the future revealed for firms to prepare. All the research in the past indicates that better IT Governance strategies adopted and properly executed means a better result in the firm; however, if the approach taken is unsatisfactory, then the result is regrettable (Ehrenfeld 2017).
These articles approach IT Policy from a global point of view such that different firms across the entire world were sampled for studies. Firms in the same industry, regardless of which country in the world they are situated. The articles chosen are similar because they both take into consideration the academic and business viewpoints while undertaking the research. However, some of the items focus only on one perspective and leaves the other out. From the studies, it is still unclear how IT Governance practices increase the firm's performance and the role of strategic alignment (Soto-Acosta 2018). The existing literature does not have empirical support for the type of Governance mechanisms.
In conclusion, we find that learning from past mistakes, IT Governance practices and strategies have propel...
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