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Planning a Wedding in Less than Six Months

Essay Instructions:

These are actually two assignments. I put them in the same list because they are two assignments in the same class. I need the same writer to complete them, and I cannot have different writing styles. The core of this assignment is to find an article related to event planning and management within 90 days, and write an article review according to the format file given by the teacher. One page per

You can only use the article you choose as the source of the sourse. There can be no additional sources. Both articles are written on one page each.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Review.
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Instructor’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Article 1.
The article explains how a person can plan a wedding in less than six months. A person can have their wedding on short notice (Mackey, 2020). Understanding the different variables is the first step to planning and managing a successful marriage.
Positive impact.
Mackey explains the benefit of planning a wedding on short notices and how it happens. It addresses different factors that facilitate the easy planning of the wedding event. The main advantage of having such weddings is that a person cannot guess second their decisions, which makes the work easier.
The other positive impact of short notice weddings on their industry is that it gives various people job opportunities. A lot of labor force will be required during this time, making it possible for different people to get employment. Since people are in a rush, the workforce needs to be enough. The last positive impact of such weddings is that they create a spirit of togetherness as people work day in and out to ensure that the marriage is a success.
Negative impact.
However, there are negative aspects of such weddings, and the major one is that the wedding will exceed the budget. The process will need more labor force, which is an expense that needs to be incurred by the groom and the bride. There will be conflicts because people will be under pressure to maximize their productivity. The last negative impact is that the details needed by either the groom or bride will not be fully met.
Planning a wedding is a hectic process that needs one to take time for them to achieve essential details. However, this is a crucial process that requires comprehension and due diligence. After all, the aim is...
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