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Honesty, accountability, Determination Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

What three words would you use to describe the culture you would foster at your company? Explain why you chose each word to represent your company's culture.

the three words are: honesty, accountability, Determination

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The Culture at the Company
Institutional Affiliation:
The Culture at the Company
Honesty represents the virtue of acting and speaking truthfully at all levels of life. This means that individuals must be true to themselves and others by showing the real version of themselves. In the business, being honest refers to showing authenticity in all aspects (Connors, 2016). Therefore, employing honesty from the onset of the business will set the company's culture and tone when dealing with all issues, both internally and externally. Believing in such a virtue further ensures that all employees understand the purpose of each action they perform in maintaining the company's image and brand. This also ensures consistency across the board since everyone undertakes their responsibilities with a better understanding of the company's goal and vision. Furthermore, it builds a sense of trust with clients because they can depend on the company to act in their best interests without any hidden agenda. Customer trust increases brand loyalty hence builds upon the company's brand in the public view. As a result, by employing honesty, public perception can always remain positive, thus ensuring constant support from customers.
Apart from that, accountability ensures that each employee takes responsibility for their behavior and actions in the company. The management of the organization delegates duties to each person, ultimately determining the level of performance of the business over a given period. Therefore, by promoting accountability, each employee works to improve their performance in their assigned duties. However, it does not imply micromanaging the employees but instead giving them the freedom to find solutions to problems independently (Hall, 2019). Therefore, by providing the necessary parameters such as deadlines and expectations, they can become accountable for decisions. This further reiterates the role of each employee in the company, thus motivating them to work efficiently. Furthermore...
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